Page 39 of Redemption

Chapter 31

We’d comeup with a plan while we sat in the waiting room, not all of which I agreed with, but in the end, it was really the only thing we could do. Once Josie was seen, and it was confirmed she had a minor concussion, but no other injuries, we went home. Since she’d refused to stay for observation, she was given strict instructions to get plenty of rest and to avoid any strenuous activity for at least a week. The doctor also prescribed some pain medicine. I tucked her into bed and slept on the couch so I didn’t disturb her.

Once she woke up, we headed into the office. Her father had just upped the ante. It was time to stop him once and for all. We couldn’t move forward without Connor, and she knew it. Due to the extent of her father’s crimes, this was bigger than the local law enforcement. Plus, we didn’t know who to trust with the information Josie had. But with the evidence she’d gathered over the last seven years, there wasn’t a chance in hell he was going to get away with anything. Provided it landed in the right hands.

We walked hand-in-hand into the office, a united front, and since Connor’s door was open, we walked in. He sat behind his desk as usual, his reading glasses perched on his nose. He raised his head when I closed the door. When he saw the bandage on Josie’s head, he rushed to his feet.

“Sit. I’m fine.” She waved him back down to his chair. He reluctantly sat down, and it was obvious he wasn’t happy about it, given his scowl.

“What’s going on?”

Josie took the lead. I was here for moral support. She stood a little taller, her shoulders stiff and unyielding. “I need your help.”

I was proud of her for taking this step even as difficult as it was. We both knew what Connor’s reaction was going to be.

“If you’re coming to me for help, it must be something big. You better have a seat. I have a feeling this is going to take a while.”

Josie took the chair in front of Connor’s desk. In the meantime, I plopped into my usual spot on the love seat. I wanted to be closer to Josie in case she needed me, but I knew she could handle Connor.

“So, start talking.”

“Over the past seven years I’ve been collecting evidence of my father’s criminal activities. The drugs, the corrupt city officials, money laundering, guns, and recently, sex trafficking. I now know enough about him to put him away for the rest of his life. Not thinking clearly, I confronted him that I’ve been monitoring everything he’s ever done. Needless to say, he wasn’t happy. Last night, someone tried to kill me. They ran me off the road. Something also tells me that the break in at my house wasn’t a coincidence either. The problem is, I don’t know who to trust with the information I have. I need someone not in his pocket. Someone who will take the evidence and actually use it to prosecute him. With your connections, I’m hoping you know someone with the Feds that I can give the information to.”

I sat back and waited for the explosion I knew was about to erupt. And I waited some more. Oh, shit. This was worse than I thought.

“Please tell me I heard wrong. Because I know that you wouldn’t be so stupid as to do what you’ve just told me you’ve been doing.”

I abruptly stood, my voice shaking with rage. “Don’t speak to her like that.”

“Miles, please return to your seat.” Josie’s voice was completely calm. Not even the hint of a quiver could be noted. She remained still, nonplussed by Connor’s harsh words. She made me proud to be hers. Reluctantly, I took my place on the love seat again, but the frozen death-stare never left my face.

“Do you feel better now?” The sneered expression on Josie’s face even had me flinching.

Connor’s chest expanded and collapsed as he breathed deeply. With eyes closed, he rubbed his broad forehead with his fingers as though rubbing away a tension headache. His eyes opened, and he returned his gaze to Josie, contrition clearly evident in his eyes.

“I apologize, Josie. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. I know how evil your father is. The fact that he knows you’ve been watching him is bad enough. Once he finds out you’re going to turn everything you have over to the Feds, he’s going to go ballistic. If he is the one behind the attacks, he won’t stop until you’re dead. The thought of what might happen to you when he finds out what you’re doing terrifies me. You and I both know what he’s capable of.”

She didn’t answer, but gave a small nod of acceptance. With a chagrined smile and an awkward cough, Connor spoke again.

“I have a few connections with the FBI, but I also think we need to bring someone local in. Someone we can trust completely. Who will be fully on our side through this mess. And it’s going to be a shit show. We’re going to need a protection detail on you once your father gets word that he’s under investigation. He’ll be aiming for your ass. There is also your father having leverage over you to consider. We need to figure out a way to keep that between us.”

When Connor had spoken of a protection detail, I perked to attention. I would be the one protecting her. There was no one on this earth, besides Connor, I’d trust Josie’s life with than me. If anyone was going to make sure she stayed safe, I was.

“I’ll be there to protect her.” My voice brooked no argument.

Connor scoffed at my pronouncement. “You’ve just barely got your shit together. How are you going to protect her when you’ve been on the verge of a mental breakdown for months? Josie needs someone whose brain isn’t muddled with other bullshit. That’s what this whole company was built on: protecting people. I’m sure I can find a suitable outfit for her.”

For the first time in all these years, I almost hated Connor. He was my best friend. Who the fuck did he think he was? Without regard to my job or any consequences to me whatsoever, I rose from the couch and stalked over to the desk Connor sat behind. I leaned forward, bracing my hands on the top of the wood, until our noses almost touched.

“Don’t fuck with me on this Connor. You have no idea what I’m capable of doing to protect Josephine. I will protect her to my dying breath even if I have to kill someone to do it. There would be no hesitation on my part. No guilt. No remorse. Death will come to anyone who dares attempt to hurt her in any way. My fury will reign death and destruction on anyone who gets in my way of doing my duty to make sure that no harm comes to her. She is my everything, and I will fuck up anyone who tries to take her away from me. You got me?”

Charged tension crackled between us, neither of us bending in the slightest. I maintained controlled eye contact, and not a muscle twitched as we stared each other down. Slowly, crinkles began in the corners of Connor’s eyes, and his expression transformed from one of serious anger to one of satisfaction. He slowly sat back in his chair, and his smile widened, exposing white, even teeth.

“There you are. I was wondering when you’d finally grow another set of balls and show up. It’s about time, Miles. Welcome back.”

A sense of befuddlement filled me, and I blinked before stepping back and glancing down at Josephine. She only smiled and shrugged her shoulders. I turned back to Connor and waited expectantly for an explanation.

“We all know you’ve been fucked in the head since killing Malcolm, Miles. I also know that you’ve changed since being with Josie. Even so, you’ve been holding back that last bit of power I knew was inside you. We saw it before what happened with Malcolm, but you continued to keep it on a short leash. You needed that final push to regain control. Realizing that you would do whatever it took to protect someone you love was that push. Now you understand the wasted regrets you felt at killing Malcolm. We do what we have to in order to protect the ones we love with no need for guilt or self-recriminations. I think you finally understand that now.”

His words struck a chord with me. All those months wasted on something I would do over and over again, if only to protect Connor. That was who I was: a protector. It’s what I did. There was no need to let the guilt consume me like it had. Connor was right. I finally understood now.

“Holy shit, that was a lot of testosterone being slung around.” This came from Josie, who just shook her head.