Page 36 of Redemption

Taking another sip, I tried to buy myself some time before having to explain. I’d kind of hoped Miles hadn’t caught that, but I knew I couldn’t have been so lucky. I carefully placed the glass on the counter and turned to face Miles. I leaned back against the counter.

“My father is a criminal, Miles. People have been hurt, even killed, because of him. But no one can prove it. And with this latest information I have, he has to be stopped.” My eyes pleaded with him. “He can’t hurt those innocent women. It would kill me knowing that I could do something to stop him and I didn’t just because it could end badly for me. I love you, Miles. But we have to do something. He has to pay for his crimes one way or another. And I am the only one who can bring him down.”

“Do you have any idea what you are dealing with, Josie? You’ve just said your dad is one of the most powerful criminals in the state. What happens if your plan backfires? Not only would he get away with everything he’s done, but you might get caught in the crossfire and what you did would come out. You could go to prison, Josephine.”

I took in Miles sitting there. His lost expression was, no doubt, similar to what I was feeling. He needed to understand how important this was to me.

“Don’t you understand, Miles? My father gave a thirteen-year-old girl to one of his buddies to rape time and time again. My sister is now twenty-three years old, and she never leaves the house. She walks around like a ghost. Chances are she will never function fully in society. She will most likely never fall in love, get married, or have kids. She’s stuck in that horrible place she was abused in with no escape. That is what my father has planned for these women. Women that are probably close to my sister’s age. I’ve been having nightmares, women screaming for help. I wake up with my scream echoing theirs. This is something bigger than me.”

My chest rose and fell rapidly with the intensity of my words, but I refused to back down. I didn’t want to fight with Miles, but he had to understand what I was doing and why. He slowly rose from his seat, and my eyes tracked his movements as he rounded the island to come stand next to me. He reached up and caressed my cheek before reaching around the other side of my waist to turn me toward him. He pulled me close as we silently battled each other. He dropped a kiss on my forehead, his lips lingering there for several seconds before he pulled back to look me in my eyes.

“Whatever you need, Josephine, I’m here for you. I may not agree, hell, I don’t agree, with what you’re doing. But I know that once you start something, there is no stopping you. There’s no reason for me to even try. You’re the most stubborn person I’ve ever met. The only thing I can do is to try and protect you the best I can. Remember, I’m in your corner. I’ll help in any way I can.”

I sagged against him in relief. I truly didn’t know what I would have done had he tried to stop me. My heart swelled. Jesus, I loved this man. I had said it out loud earlier, and although he said he cared deeply about it me, it wasn’t love. Not that it mattered, because his actions spoke louder than any words he might utter. One of these days, he’d tell me he loved me. But until then, I’d take hold of all of his unspoken actions and hold them tight to my heart.