Page 23 of Possession

Chapter 14


I brushed awaythe last remnants of sleep, and when I shifted a low groan grumbled from my chest at the whole body ache radiating through me. It wasn’t necessarily an unpleasant sensation, but only because flashes of what caused the sweet pain burst inside my head. My pussy and ass were sore, but in that throbbing, tingling aftermath kind of way.

I’d hit subspace hard and deep last night. My euphoria encapsulated me inside a bubble where only the three of us, Nathaniel, Joseph, and I, existed. I was floating safely in their arms, content in the dizzying joy of my release. Inside our safe space, nothing and no one could harm me. I was protected in the cocoon their strength provided. When I finally came down, they were there to catch me. I nibbled on chocolate fed to me from Joseph’s fingers while Nathaniel kept me hydrated. I was on the verge of tears at the sweetness of aftercare. I didn’t remember even leaving Black Light. The last thing I remembered before falling into an exhausted slumber was Nathaniel tucking the comforter around my naked form keeping my body warm and cozy. Hazy memories tickled my brain to also include the feeling of two sets of lips dusting across my forehead and whispered words I was having difficulty recalling now in the light of day. For some reason, I was desperate to remember.

Not wanting to get out of bed was overruled by the need to not waste my day. The busier I was the faster the day would go and then I would be able to see my men again. My heartbeat quickened at the thought. My men. A sense of rightness rushed through me, but I tempered it. There was such a connection between the three of us, more than I’d ever felt with anyone else, and I knew I was keeping a part of myself back, but it was out of self-preservation. I didn’t want to get too attached and have my world come tumbling down around me. My heart hurt thinking about it.

I needed to put a stop to the negative thoughts bearing down on me, so I forced my aching body out of bed. My lilies were waiting for me. I knew it sounded insane, but I truly believed that my flowers recognized my voice and the love I bestowed on them. They always seemed to perk up when I tended them. The petals opened just a little further and while some might say it was the wind, I always felt like they leaned the tiniest bit in my direction when I passed by. Foolish, I know, but they were descendants of my great-grandmother Parrish’s lilies that I helped her water when I was a little girl. She died when I was five and these bulbs were all I had left to remember her by.

I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and quickly showered. Once I’d dried off, I tore through my closet looking for my old tattered jeans and raggedy long-sleeve shirt.

I caught sight of my reflection in the full-length mirror and paused. Was that really me? I couldn’t remember the last time I had this glow about me. This look of complete and utter contentment. I was actually… happy. I recalled the fire in Nathaniel’s eyes last night. They’d glowed fiercely, and bored straight into my soul, taking my breath away. It was like he was laying claim to me. Owning me. Possessing me. It was the same look in Joseph’s eyes. I planned on reveling in their possession for as long as it lasted.

Shaking off the thoughts, I hurriedly dressed and headed downstairs for a cup of coffee. To my surprise, a pot had already been brewed and from the looks of it, it was still, if not hot, then at least warm. I hesitated for a moment when I spotted the sheet of paper, but smiled when I picked it up to read.

Good morning, pet. I thought you should know your couch is surprisingly comfortable. Also, I hope the coffee isn’t too cold, or too strong, when you wake up. I made it right before I left, thankfully avoiding an audience. See you soon.

~ N

I grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup. While it heated in the microwave I grabbed the creamer from the fridge. Once the hot brew was the perfect cappuccino color, I sipped the hazelnut-flavored beverage and peered out my kitchen window to the bright green, perfectly manicured backyard. I admired the various flowering plants growing with their multitude of colors. All the pinks, reds, yellows, blues, purples, greens, and seemingly every other color of the rainbow made me so happy inside. Every time a new flower bloomed it reminded me of new beginnings and all the beauty and wonder in the world.

I rinsed out my now empty mug and set it in the dish drainer before heading to the mudroom. The dirt smell inside reminded me of my grandmother and our times in her garden. I slid into my soil-stained tennis shoes and snatched up my gardening basket from the bench. The basket housed my gloves and all my tools, including my spade, shears, and other items. My feet attempted to lead me to my lilies, but since I typically spent the most time with them, I always saved them until last. Instead, I headed to my other flower friends.

Once I’d pulled weeds, snipped off dying buds and twigs, and watered the flowers that needed it, I headed over to my beloved lilies. Right before I reached them, I stopped short. Something felt off. I twisted right and left, my eyes darting around my yard, searching for… anything. Oddly, the air stilled around me like it too was holding its breath, not wanting to disturb whatever was out there. There was a sinister darkness closing in on me and my limbs felt heavy with a sense of impending doom. However, nothing moved. No shadows shifted. But even the leaves seemed afraid to dance in the light breeze.

You’re being ridiculous.I shook off the uneasiness and continued the last few steps it took to reach the lilies. I stepped up to my favorite bundle and my foot collided with something. I looked down, but didn’t see anything through the greenery. I squatted and parted the stems and leaves searching for the hard object I’d hit. At first I didn’t process what I was seeing. Like a bolt of lightening my brain caught up with my eyes and a scream erupted from the depths of my throat. I stumbled and fell on my ass, scrambling backward and away from the gruesome scene like I was escaping a predator bearing down on me. My chest hurt from gasping in air that just wasn’t entering my lungs. Black spots dotted my vision, but I blinked them away.

Needing to escape, I picked myself up off the ground and raced inside. I snatched up my cell phone from where I’d left it on the kitchen table and with trembling fingers pressed a few buttons. Forcing myself to take slow, calming breathsI tapped my fingers in a frantic beat on the counter, my eyes darting back and forth across the backyard through the kitchen window.

“Well, hello, beautiful.” The sound of Joseph’s voice calmed me some, but I was still freaking out. I thought I’d gotten my breathing under control, but when he said my name, I heard myself.

I was beginning to hyperventilate.

“Madeline, angel, I need you to relax. We’re on our way. Just breathe, pet. Slow and steady. Deep inhale in, slow exhale out.”

I heard his words, but my body wasn’t cooperating.

“Madeline.” This time, Joseph’s sharp command filtered through my panic. I’d expected that tone from Nathaniel, but not Joseph. The even-tempered, almost mild-mannered one. It startled me, but it also had me listening. Now that I was, I could hear Nathaniel cursing at traffic in the background.

“Good girl. Concentrate on my breathing and follow my instructions. Breathe deep in.”

We inhaled together before he spoke again. “Slowly let it out.”

In time, our lungs deflated as we both pushed the air out. Joseph and I repeated our dance until, with agonizing slowness, my racing heart tempered its beat and my breathing evened out and became normal again.


“Yes, Sir.”

He didn’t bother correcting me. I think he knew I was still walking a tightrope and anything could send me tumbling over the edge.

“Now, tell me what’s going on. Keep breathing, Madeline.”

I inhaled a shuddering breath before finding my voice. With a hushed whisper, I answered him. “There’s a dead body in my backyard.”