Chapter 17
After my hot bath,which had actually helped relax me, I’d gone to bed early hoping that it would help me sleep. Instead, I laid there for hours, unable to sleep. I couldn’t shut my brain off. Instead, flashes of that poor dead woman’s body kept me awake. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see was blood. I’d see her body and then suddenly it would morph into mine. I shuddered. There was no way I was going to sleep. Not like this.
I needed my men. Crawling out of bed, I grabbed my robe and slipped it on over my sleep tank and boy shorts. Opening my door, my feet instinctively took me to Nathaniel’s room. Hesitantly, I knocked, and waited. Silence. I knocked again, this time a little louder. Nothing. I sagged in disappointment and turned to head to Joseph’s room.
“Can I help you, pet?”
I yelped and spun around, colliding with the wall, hand on my chest trying to calm my racing heart at the disembodied voice. A shadow moved and Nathaniel stepped into the moonlight shining through the bathroom window. My exhausted body and mind chose that moment to expel all the shit I’d gone through over the last few months, and without warning I burst into tears.
“Fuck, Madeline, I’m sorry.”
I barely heard Nathaniel’s words over my sobs. Warm arms encircled me, pulling me close against his chest. I clutched his shirt like a lifeline, needing something to hold on to. I felt like I was drowning. Nathaniel shifted and his arms went beneath my thighs and then I was cradled against his chest, my arms wrapping around his neck while I bawled. There was a loud bang, like he’d kicked something. Then hinges creaked.
“Jesus, Nat, what did you do to her?”
“She was wandering the hall and I accidentally scared her when I was coming back from the kitchen. I didn’t mean to.” He sounded horrified.
“Come on, bring her in here.”
Nat carried me further into Joseph’s room and suddenly a light was turned on. Thankfully, my crying was easing off. I felt like an idiot. Even still I didn’t move away. I felt safe in the strong arms that continued holding me tight. Bed springs squeaked when Nat sat down on the mattress with me on his lap. I felt another set of hands petting my head and I knew it was Joseph. Their calming touch was soothing me like nothing else. I hiccupped one final half-sob and then took in a shuddering breath. I lifted my face from Nat’s neck and turned my head, resting it on his shoulder. My teary eyes met Joseph’s worried ones and I sent him a watery smile.
“I’m sorry I overreacted. I’m so stupid.”
“Don’t you dare talk to yourself that way,” Nathaniel’s command boomed through my chest. “This was my fault. I should have known better than to startle you like that, however unintentionally. I apologize.”
I merely nodded and scooted a little closer even though I was already practically plastered against him. He was just so warm. I didn’t want to leave his embrace. “I know this may sound silly, but can I sleep in here tonight? I don’t want to be alone.”
Joseph’s response was immediate. “Of course.”
Nathaniel stiffened slightly underneath me before standing up and laying me on top of the covers. “Here, I’ll get you all tucked in and I’ll see you two in the morning.”
I grabbed his hand, begging. “No. I need you too. Please don’t leave me.”
His expression softened and he palmed the back of my head, pressing his forehead to mine. “Don’t worry, pet. I’m here.”
I let out a relieved sigh.
“Come on, let’s get you settled.” This came from Joseph.
I shrugged out of my robe and handed it to Nathaniel. He carefully placed it on the chair and both men climbed into the bed, Joseph on my left and Nathaniel on my right. The light was turned off and the barest hint of moonlight filtered into the room. I rolled onto my side and curled up against Nathaniel who wrapped an arm around me. I reached back and found Joseph’s hand. I gave a sharp tug and felt him roll. His warmth was nestled against my back, and I was sandwiched between them. Everything was going to be all right now. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.
* * *
“Good morning.”I smiled sleepily at the man holding me tightly against him. I turned my head searching for his dark counterpart, but Nathaniel no longer occupied the bed. I pushed back the hurt and disappointment at his absence.
“Hello yourself, beautiful. How are you feeling this morning?”
I shifted. “Better than last night. I felt safe with you and Nathaniel.”
Joseph kissed my forehead. “I’m glad.”
I laid there quietly basking in this feeling of complete and utter awe that I was here, in this house, with these two men. I refused to acknowledge the circumstances, which brought me here. Instead, I was going to focus on the here and now. On my Dominants and how I planned on being the submissive they needed and wanted. Each day I was coming to realize more and more that maybe this wasn’t a dream or make-believe. That maybe this was something special. Something strong that would last longer than a brief moment in time.
“Can I ask you a question?”
Joseph glanced down sensing the hesitance with which I asked. “Of course. You can ask either of us anything you want.”