Chapter 1
“For God’s sake,not another one.”
“You okay in there?” Sara, my assistant, called out from the waiting room.
I crumpled up the offensive sheet of paper and, with a sharp flick of my wrist, slammed it in the trash can on the floor under my desk. Stepping out of my office, I let out an exhausted sigh and dropped into one of the plush office chairs scattered around. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, a throbbing beginning at the base of my skull. “I’m fine. Just another damn letter from my so-called secret admirer. I’ve lost count of how many I’ve received. I only know I’m so tired of them. I can’t wait to get to D.C. and away from whoever this person is.”
“I hate that some creepy stalker is driving you away.” Her words were full of hurt. I peeked one eye open to glance over at her. She was shuffling papers around on her desk, refusing to look at me.
“It’s not just that, Sara. I need a change of scenery. Things are… stagnant for me here. I’m not moving forward like I should be. Vince and I called it quits months ago. I haven’t been to Eden to play since then. I can’t bear to see him with another submissive. It’s still too raw.”
Finally, her eyes full of sadness, met mine. “You know running away from your problems never changes anything.”
“I’m not running away per se,” I replied sheepishly, because she knew I was lying.
“Your patients are going to miss you. You know that, right?” she didn’t even bat an eyelash at trying to guilt trip me.
“Man you sure know how to hit where it hurts. I’ll miss them too, but you know as well as I do they’re going to continue getting excellent patient care from Dr. Sloane. You have to admit she even won you over, albeit reluctantly.”
Sara sighed in frustration. “Yes, she’ll be a great replacement for you, even if she’s not you. I understand why you’re doing it though. It’s just that I’m going to miss you, Madeline. You’re the best boss I’ve ever worked for. Besides, who else am I going to live vicariously through? All the talk of domination and submission really makes me want to try it out for myself. You’re the only person I feel comfortable talking with about that kind of stuff. Both of which make me sound like such a selfish bitch.”
“You’re not being selfish. I’m going to miss you too, but over the last couple years I’ve felt this sense of restlessness. I’m thirty-six years old, and something is missing from my life. I just don’t know what. I have amazing friends, you included, and up until a few months ago I had Vince. When it became obvious he couldn’t give me what I needed, we grew apart. The shitty thing was, I couldn’t even tell him what I needed. He’d tried everything, but it hadn’t filled this… void inside me. I knew no matter what, I wasn’t the right submissive for him.”
Sara sat forward in her chair. “I know how hard the break up was for you.”
I nodded. “I was devastated. It’s my job to help people figure out what it is they want and need out of life, yet I can’t even help myself. You know when those letters started arriving, I was actually a little flattered. I felt admired in a way.”
I thought back to that first one. It was innocuous, bland even. Then they started coming more frequently, and I got creeped out. It wasn’t long before I was getting a new letter a few times a week. Each one more graphic than the last, professing the admirer’s love and devotion and how he couldn’t wait for us to finally be together.
“I get it, and you know, even with all my bitching, I only ever want the best for you.”
I rose from my chair and circled the desk, leaning down to give her a giant hug. “I’m so glad to call you friend, and you know I’m only a phone call away.”
We were quiet for a moment before Sara broke the silence. “So, when’s the going away party?”
* * *
Five hourslater I was home and cuddled up on my couch after a long day of seeing patients. I’d just poured the last bit of moscato from the bottle when my phone rang. I smiled when I saw the name on the caller ID.
“Hey, G.”
“You ready to take D.C. by storm, Parrish?” The deep, gravelly voice of my best friend soothed me in a way I didn’t know I needed. I relaxed into the couch sipping my wine.
“I’m more than ready to see this new city of mine. The movers are coming on Thursday for all my stuff. I said goodbye to all my patients this week, so there’s nothing more I need to do except head up there.”
“I can’t wait. I’ve missed your sorry mug.”
I shook my head. Leave it to Garreth to give a compliment like that.
“I’ve missed you too.” I cringed at the loneliness in my voice. Thankfully, Garreth missed it, since he continued without skipping a beat.
“You have no idea how relieved I am too that you’re getting away from that town and whatever loser has been sending you those letters.”
I stretched my neck from side to side to release the kink. “You’ve always been overprotective of me. Ever since I fully immersed myself in this lifestyle.”
Through the phone I could almost see Garreth shake his head. “You were so reckless back then. A newbie sub who had no idea what the hell she was doing. I tried to warn you about fake Doms, ones who played the part, but were really just looking for an excuse to smack a woman around. Did you listen? Of course not.”