Mrs. Flynn leaned forward to place a gentle hand on Elle’s arm. “Are you all right, dear? You look a bit distressed.”
Elle shook her head and blinked back the burn of tears to offer a smile as she met the older woman’s slightly concerned gaze. “Not at all,” she assured, doing her best to calm the trembling in her stomach. “I’m quite fine.”
Mrs. Flynn gave an answering nod and a quick pat on her arm before she leaned back again.
“I’ve got a question,” Lucy noted suddenly, her eyes wide as she peered at Elle. “Are ye truly staying in the Griffin’s bedroom?”
Half the ladies twittered at the bold inquiry while the other half stilled in hovering anticipation of Elle’s reply.
It felt odd to admit such a thing so openly. In her old life, it would be an irrevocable scandal. Elle would be utterly ruined and forced to marry immediately in order to even begin to repair her tattered reputation.
But again, Elle felt no judgement in the question.
As she nodded her answer and the room seemed to erupt in a strange mixture of excitement and disbelief, she waved a dismissive hand. “No doubt he’s had countless women in his quarters.”
“No, ’e ’asn’t.”
“Not a single one.”
At the quick and forceful denials, Elle looked to Mrs. Flynn, who acknowledged their accuracy with a stoic expression. “Not in the ten years I’ve worked for him.”
Feeling flustered as some unnamed emotion tumbled through her insides, Elle argued, “That can’t be true. He’s so...”
“Friggin’ ’andsome.”
“Obviously, a generous and talented lover—I mean, just look at his hands.”
“His lips!”
“The swing of ’is—” one of the women began as she gestured suggestively over her lap.
“That’s enough!” Mrs. Flynn quickly interrupted with a twitching smile and raised hand. “We don’t want to overwhelm Elle with such lewd talk.”
“Aw, come on,” Lucy complained. “The woman stays in ’is bedroom. It ain’t gonna be news to ’er.”
Mrs. Flynn ignored her to explain, “The Griffin would never abuse the authority of his position by bedding any of the women he takes in.”
“He goes elsewhere for such things,” Jessie noted, “and never the same woman twice, I hear.”
“And he never brings anyone back to his own bed,” Alice added sagely.
“So, you can see why you’re such a curiosity to everyone. Myself included,” Mrs. Flynn noted with a smile. “You’re a bit of an anomaly, my dear.” The comment inspired nods of agreement and knowing smiles throughout the room.
Elle wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about everything she’d just learned, especially when she considered the fact that Max very definitely didn’t want her to learn any of it. But she felt compelled to clear up some of the obvious misconceptions.
“I’m afraid there’s nothing inordinately special about the situation,” she noted firmly and realized she might be trying to convince herself as much as anyone because it did feel special. It felt extraordinary, wonderful, life-altering, in fact. “The arrangement between Max and me is only temporary.”
“D’ye hear that?” Lucy whispered dramatically and loudly enough for everyone to hear. “She calls ’im Max!”