Page 82 of Seducing the Knave

“Isnae it? She’s obviously verra special to you.”

“Caillie...” His tone was a warning most knew to heed.

Not his sister.

Caillie rolled her eyes again. “Oh, come on, Max. I’m not an idiot. You’ve never before had a lover take up residence.”

He choked on a cough. “How in hell could ye know that?”

His sister shrugged. “It’s what I do, Max. I ken things. Now, are you going to tell me more about Elle and why she’s staying with you?”


Her eyebrows arched in surprise. “Hmm. The lady must be verra important to you, indeed.”

His sister really needed to learn not to speak her bloody mind so freely. Max usually found her straightforward manner amusing, but it wasn’t nearly as entertaining when she forced her unwanted observations and opinions on him.

“Enough. I came to tell ye that an old friend’s making some trouble.” Lowering his voice to impart the importance of his next words, he added, “There’s a chance he’ll try to get to me by going after ye. But I want ye to know I won’t let anything happen to ye. I’ve got things under control.”

As he spoke, her expression shifted from one of concern to unwavering confidence. “Of course you do, Max,” she said with a smile. “I’d never doubt it.”

“Ta, minx,” Max replied with an answering grin. If only his other siblings could afford him the same benefit.

At the mere thought of his brothers, the oldest suddenly appeared.

“Good afternoon, Max. I didn’t know you’d be visiting today.”

As always, the Earl of Wright was impeccably groomed and elegantly dressed. Usually, Max took every opportunity to ruffle this man’s unrufflable feathers, but he had other things on his mind today.

He gave his sister a quick wink before turning to face the earl. “’Ello, bruv,” he said with a wide grin. “I didn’t know I needed a formal invite.”

Colin frowned. “Of course you don’t,” he replied earnestly, “but Ainsworth will be disappointed to have missed you. She’s out shopping today.”

“Well, ye’ll just have to relay me request to yer countess on me behalf, then.”

The earl’s brows lifted in a subtle display of curiosity. “Your request?”

Max nodded. “Turns out, I’m in need of a favor.”

In all the years since Colin had first tracked him down in St. Giles, Max hadn’t asked their father’s only legitimate son for anything. And the surprise in his brother’s eyes was more than satisfactory as a good ruffling.

Max chuckled. “Can we talk in yer study?”

“Of course,” the earl answered as Caillie gave a harrumph of annoyance at being excluded.

Before following Colin from the room, Max waited a moment then turned back to his sister. “Remember,” he said with a pointed look, “no matter what happens, I’d never let any harm come to ye.”

Caillie’s brows dipped between her brows for a second then she tilted her head and gave him a nod and smile. “Dinnae fash yersel,” she said in a lowered tone. “Do what you mun to manage the trouble. I’ll be fine.”

Max’s gut clenched at her unwavering loyalty.

He’d make bloody sure of it.


AFTER HER ENLIGHTENING and inspiring walk, Elle managed about an hour before her restlessness and newfound purpose got the better of her.

Though a voice in her head whispered that she should she respect his privacy...that he likely had a good reason to forbid her from trespassing into his life, she silenced it.