Page 44 of Seducing the Knave

More Persian rugs in dark, rich hues had been spread across the expansive wood floors in an almost haphazard fashion. Three windows that were more tall than broad were spaced equally apart from each other along the wall to her right and were covered by heavy, blood-red drapes that could likely keep out even the brightest light of day.

Opposite the windows was a long, shadowed brick wall with an enormous four-poster bed that had to be straight from the eleventh century. Ornately carved of mahogany so dark it was nearly black, it also boasted drapes of a color to match those at the windows and was undeniably the most elaborate item in the room, which otherwise contained a surprising lack of furniture or adornment considering its great size.

An oversized leather sofa flanked by end tables was placed in front of the fire. A washstand and a large copper bathtub were tucked into one corner beside the bed while a sizeable wardrobe could be seen on the other side. And a small dining table, which appeared to be set for a meal, stood rather conspicuously in the center of the room. The rest of the space appeared strangely empty. The only apparent exception being odd piles of books stacked here and there.

When Elle’s initial glance did not immediately reveal the presence of a man with a wolfish stare and smirking grin, she experienced a swift return of her uncertainty.

Where was the blasted knave?

“’Ello, luv.” His smoky voice came to her from the darkness in the far corner of the room.

Shivers coursed over her skin and raised the fine hairs on her nape.

Had he been there the whole time?

Trying to feign a confidence she suddenly didn’t feel at all, Elle peered past the flickering reach of firelight to see him walking toward her. He was very casually dressed in black breeches and a black shirt, which was open at the throat to reveal the shadowed V of his muscled chest while the sleeves had been rolled back to bare his strong forearms.

His hair was a tussled mess of careless waves, as though he’d just come from his bath, and she suddenly realized the room smelled faintly of vanilla and sandalwood. He also carried a wine bottle and empty glass in one hand.

Her mouth went dry and a familiar trembling started in her low belly. She was instantly reminded of those times when she’d caught a glimpse of something dark and unsettling beneath his irreverent veneer. And now, here in his strange lair, she had to wonder if that darkness was a truer reflection of his nature than the reckless charm he most frequently displayed.

“Should I say I’m surprised to see ye?” he asked with a curl to his sensuous lips.

“If you’ve any idea what’s good for you,” Elle muttered.

His laugh warmed her and infuriated her at the same time. “I reckon things didn’t go as ye’d planned.”

Her tension and exhaustion made her snippy. “Would I be here otherwise?”

She thought she saw a twitch at the corner of his brow but then he gestured toward the table. “Come sit. I’ve just started me meal and I can’t stomach cold food.”

“Of course, I’d hate to be the reason you had to endure a cold meal. Or a cold bath,” she added as she followed him to the table. Then she wondered why she always seemed so quick to react to him with rudeness and disdain.

Better that than what she truly felt.

He stopped to pull out a chair for her and gave her a sideways glance accompanied by a flashing grin. “Comes from a youth of having to break through the ice to get to the bathing water and eating bowls of cold porridge for every meal of every day. After that, when a man can do better, he fucking does.”

Elle flinched at her insensitivity and ignorance of the struggles so many people faced. Forcing herself to meet his gaze, she lifted her chin. “I’m sorry.” His eyes widened almost comically, but she forged on. “I didn’t mean to offend...or perhaps I did. I don’t know.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath that she exhaled in a rush. “It’s been a trying day, but that doesn’t excuse my rudeness.”

A long pause followed her words and she opened her eyes to see Max staring at her rather oddly. His grin was gone and something curious flickered in his eyes. Something that made her feel unbalanced and uncertain.

“Apology accepted, princess,” he muttered. Then he gave a short nod toward the chair. “Now sit.”

As she took the offered seat at the table, he stepped aside and lifted his hand with the wine. “I reckoned wine would be more to yer liking than me gin.”

“Thank you,” she replied before her attention fell to the large platter of delicious-smelling food on the table. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until faced with such an enticing feast.

She gave a rough shake of her head.

She had to focus on her main concern. Acknowledging that she needed his help was one thing, but this time, she intended to set her own terms for the arrangement.

After Max uncorked the wine bottle with his teeth and gave her a healthy pour, he reclaimed his seat across the small table.

Elle immediately took a few generous sips from her wine. It was a rich red that was a bit sweet without being overly so, and it didn’t take long for the heady vintage to weave a thread of warmth and courage through her blood.

Finally lowering her glass, she lifted her gaze to see Max staring intently back at her. He tipped back his glass of gin in a healthy swallow before setting it aside to reach for a roasted turkey leg that had been drawing Elle’s attention since she sat down.

As his flashing teeth tore into the savory meat, Elle tried to distract herself from the aching hollow in her stomach but nothing worked. Her eyes were continually drawn to the wonderfully scented array of meats and vegetables.