Page 4 of Seducing the Knave

With another chuckle, he leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. His eyes were sharp and steely as he responded in a throaty whisper. “Don’t worry, luv. I don’t fuck no-one ’til they’re begging me fer it.”

His crude words caused a swift flare of alarm through her blood. Gasping despite her fierce desire to appear in control and unperturbed by this man, Elvina had to force herself not to flee his presence right then and there. Gentlemen simply didn’t speak that way in the company of ladies. It was unsettling in the most intimate way but she couldn’t decide if it was triggered by shock or fear or something else she couldn’t quite name.

Be brave. You can do this. You have to do this.

“Then this remains a very simple transaction,” she noted firmly. “I provide payment. You take me to London.”

His gray eyes flickered.

There was a long pause. A heavy sigh. Then he leaned back again in his chair and offered a smile. “No.”

Elvina opened her mouth to argue, but her words were stopped short by the sound of the inn door opening and multiple pairs of boots stomping across the worn wood floor. She turned to see three men standing at the entrance to the common room. Pure panic hit her in the chest with the force of a cannonball.

She swiftly looked back to the table, her chin tucked and her hands twisting in her lap.

He’d come for her!

Not Jasper specifically since he’d never do for himself what he could have someone do for him. But she easily recognized the men as his personal guard. Another one of his extravagant expenses.

How had her absence been discovered so quickly?

Any minute now they could spy her across the room and force her to return with them.

She couldn’t allow it.

Her frantic gaze darted to the man seated across from her. Despite obviously having noticed her distress at the new arrivals, his expression was one of dispassionate curiosity.

He had no intention of helping her.

She had to change his mind.

Reaching into the hidden pocket of her gown, she withdrew a priceless broach and set it in the center of the table.

“Get me out of here,” she demanded in a low whisper. “Now.”

Elvina held her breath as his pewter eyes spared just a flickering glance at the gleaming ruby surrounded by an array of tiny diamonds set in gold filigree.

And then it was too late.

She’d been so focused on the man across from her, she’d failed to notice her guardian’s men approaching their table. All of a sudden, their large forms were there, looming over her. Her heart dropped and her stomach twisted.

“’Ello, mates,” the man across from her drawled, a total lack of concern in his voice.

Before the guardsmen could reply, the one closest to her companion suddenly flipped from his feet to his back, landing hard on the floor with a loud crack, as though his legs had been swept from under him. She barely managed to register what was happening before the stranger stood and the second guard fell back against the table behind him, propelled by a fist to the face so swift and powerful she barely saw the punch executed. The last guard managed to swing a meaty fist toward his opponent, but it never connected. A sharp jab to the stomach had him doubling over before an elbow to the back sent him face-first to the floor.

It all happened in the blink of an eye while Elvina sat frozen in shock.

As the guards groaned in pain, one of them struggling to drag himself off the floor, the stranger swept his top hat onto his head and held a hand to her.

“Right then. Let’s go.”

Still totally stunned, she glanced to the broach, but it was gone. She’d never even seen him reach for it.

“Now,” he said as he sent a knee into the ribs of the guard who’d nearly reached his feet, which sent the man tumbling back onto the other two.

She placed her white kid-gloved hand into his black leather-clad one and he roughly tugged her from her chair. His grip was strong as he took off toward a narrow hall at the back of the room. Lifting her skirts, she rushed to keep up with his long stride.

Dashing through the kitchen, he flashed a grin to the serving maid who stared at their sudden passing with wide eyes. “Change of plans, luv.” He tossed a small sack of coins into her hand. “Anything ye can do to slow the brutes down would be appreciated,” he noted with a wink before striding to the back door of the kitchen, pulling Elvina along behind.