Page 38 of Seducing the Knave

Chapter Ten

Elle’s trepidation exploded into full-blown panic. She stared in dumbfounded disbelief at her cousin and guardian looking fresh and elegant and not at all like he’d ridden hard through the night—as he must have—in order to get to town ahead of her.

How could he possibly have known she’d come here?

A small part of her—the part that was weary and frustrated—wanted to sprint for the door. But her unrelenting pride and that streak of rebellion Jasper hadn’t managed to extinguish rose to the fore. With her spine straight and her chin angled to an imperious angle, she remained in place.

“Cousin,” she said simply. “What are you doing here?”

Jasper issued a heavy sigh and tossed an odd look toward their hosts before starting forward. His expression was almost pleading as he slowly approached her. “Now, Elvina. Surely, you realize why I had to come after you.”

The gentle, cajoling note in his voice scraped harshly over her nerves. She barely managed to contain her shudder. And though everything inside her tensed with every step he took, she knew there was little he could do to her in the Gilchrists’ presence. But when he lifted his hands to reach for her, she couldn’t stop herself from stepping back and hissing under her breath, “Don’t touch me.”

His brow furrowed as though her words had wounded him. “Elvina, my dear. I truly mean you no harm.”

“No harm?” Her voice rose a bit as she met his deceitful gaze. She had no idea what game he was playing, but she wanted no part in it. “You dare to say that after you struck me to the floor and locked me in my room?”

Lady Gilchrist made a soft sound, but Elle couldn’t risk taking her eyes off Jasper as he shook his head sadly.

“Elvina,” he said slowly as though speaking to an upset child. “I’m sorry you were hurt when I had to force you to your room. But as I explained then, it was highly improper of you to visit my bedroom at night, even if you do think yourself in love with me. You must accept that I have no wish to marry you.”

Shock made her speechless. For a moment, all she could do was stare at him in wide-eyed disbelief. “Oh my God,” she finally muttered. “You are unbelievable. Is that what you told them?”

She looked at the Gilchrists, who sat in stiff silence, watching the exchange with sharp and troubled gazes. The gentleman wore a fierce scowl and forbidding expression while the lady stared at her with eyes filled with wary sadness.

“You did!” she nearly shouted at Jasper. “You told them I wanted to marry you when the truth is just the opposite.”

“Now, calm down, my dear,” Jasper soothed, lifting his hands in a placating gesture.

Her eyes widened. “Calm down?” she nearly shouted. “I just traveled for two days and two nights to get away from you. I will not calm down as you spread vicious lies about me.”

“Good God,” Lord Gilchrist interjected in a vehement tone, “the rumors are true. It’s as bad as you said, my lord.”

Jasper shook his head sadly. “I know. The poor thing has not been in her right mind since the death of her parents, I’m afraid.”

She couldn’t hold back her temper after that. “You despicable wastrel!”

“The girl’s hysterical,” Lord Gilchrist declared, ignoring her completely.

“I am not hysterical. I’m bloody furious,” Elle clarified.

She didn’t even realize she’d used the crude word until Lady Gilchrist gasped and pressed her gloved hand to her lips, her eyes wide with distress.

Elle’s near-frantic gaze slid back and forth between her cousin and the Gilchrists. Lady Gilchrist was obviously upset but also seemed rather resigned and Lord Gilchrist simply looked angry. On the other hand, Jasper’s expression was full of sympathy and concern. The deceitful charm he’d used to win society to his favor and conceal his ignoble proclivities was in full effect.

“He’s lying to you,” Elle insisted fiercely, taking a step toward Lady Gilchrist. “He was going to force me to marry him in order to gain access to my dowry.”

“That’s enough, girl,” Lord Gilchrist boomed as he rose to his feet. “I’ll accept no slander of this gentleman. He came here looking for you out of a sense of noble duty, though it’s clear you don’t deserve it. The mere suggestion that he’d have any need of your dowry after the inheritance he received upon your father’s death proves just how out of touch with reality you clearly are and I’ll hear no more of it.”

“You’re wrong!” Elle exclaimed, but the lord once again chose to ignore her.

Turning to Jasper, Lord Gilchrist added, “I pity you, my lord, for having to deal with this wretched burden, but I will not have such a creature tainting my household any longer.”

“I deeply apologize, my lord,” Jasper replied as he took Elle’s wrist in a punishing grip. “I will not further trouble you with our presence. Come along, Elvina.”