Page 36 of Seducing the Knave

She’d only been to town a few times with her parents since both the marquess and marchioness had strongly preferred the country. But she recalled with great clarity the sights and sounds and excitement inherent in the constantly expanding city. It honestly amazed her that so many people and places and things could come together in one place, spreading out for miles around.

“Ye’re finally awake,” Max drawled in a casual tone.

Elle steeled herself to look at him, reminding herself that they’d soon part ways forever and that whatever hold he had over her would soon be severed.

It didn’t help.

She still felt the rush of heat through her center. Her gaze met his and tingling awareness raced down her spine. Then she noted his casual posture and that detestable smirk.

“You could’ve woken me,” she replied shortly as she sat up straighter and did her best to smooth the newest wrinkles from her gown.

He shrugged off the comment and gestured toward the window. “We’ll be to Mayfair soon. Where’re we taking ye?”

A strange weight of apprehension settled in her stomach as she gave the address for Gilchrist House.

As Max shouted the direction to their driver, Elle turned to observe the constantly shifting activity on the streets beyond.

It would seem she’d nearly made it.

She’d successfully escaped Jasper’s wretched plans and evaded recapture. Soon, she’d be safely ensconced within the home of her mother’s oldest friend. The Gilchrists had their own wealth and power and standing in society which would surely support her in her efforts to free herself from Jasper indefinitely. The man seemed determined to destroy the proud legacy that had carried numerous Marquess of Ilsworths before him, but he wouldn’t be doing it with her dowry.

So why did she feel so unsettled and wary?

More so than the night she’d fled her home or even the next morning when she’d placed herself in the hands of a man who was not at all what he appeared to be.

It wasn’t long before the streets they drove along began to widen and form themselves into neat and orderly grids surrounding lovely park squares where fine-dressed ladies and sophisticated gentlemen strolled about under a slightly overcast sky. The houses lining the streets grew larger and more elaborate in design.

As the carriage slowed to a stop in front of one of the fancier mansions on the block, Elle looked up at the imposing edifice with her breath held tight.

She’d arrived.

“All right, princess?”

Turning from the window, she forced a quick smile. “Of course.”

It would serve no purpose to reveal her apprehension to him. Not when they were minutes away from never seeing each other again.

Reaching into the deep pocket of her gown, she retrieved the other sapphire earring and held it out to him. “Your promised payment,” she noted simply.

When he stared at her rather oddly and made no move to take the earring, she gave a short huff and tossed the priceless item through the air.

He caught it deftly in his hand.

“It’s been a pleasure.” His voice dropped to a smoky tenor on the last word and she had no doubt the effect was entirely intentional.

She didn’t respond.

Unwanted heat twisted low in her body as she hastily opened the carriage door. She might have tumbled right into the street if Jack hadn’t been there to take her elbow and assist her safely to the ground.

She muttered a quick thank you to the groom and righted herself, then lifted the hood of her cloak to cover her head and shield her face.

“Would you like me to see if the residents are receiving, miss?”

Elle gave Jack a quick assuring smile. “That won’t be necessary. Thank you.”

She turned to glance over her shoulder, intending to utter a quick goodbye to the man who’d swindled her out of a fortune in jewels but held to his promise of seeing her safely to London.

Max sat unmoving in the slightly shadowed vehicle. His coat was open and one ankle was crossed atop the opposite knee while his hands rested atop his strong thighs. When she dared to meet his gaze, she felt a deep and insistent twist of regret...and for the life of her, she couldn’t determine which she regretted more—turning away from him now or ever approaching him in the first place.