She suddenly felt utterly conspicuous. Naked and vulnerable despite her voluminous cover. Some urging inside her screamed to stop. To turn back and consider another option. But Elvina was nothing if not determined and she forcefully ignored the warning.
“Good morning,” she said courteously as she reached the gentleman’s table.
He leaned back in his chair and crossed an ankle over the opposite knee as he looked up at her with a smirk of arrogant amusement.
“That didn’t take long.” The tone was insolent.
Elvina lifted her chin to an imperious angle, though much of the effect was likely ruined by her concealing hood. “I beg your pardon?”
“Ye’ve been staring at me since I walked through the doors.” His lips curled. “Did ye think I wouldn’t notice?”
She ignored the way his overbold gaze and arrogant tone made her want to slap the taunting smirk from his handsome face. “I’ve a proposition for you,” she noted coolly.
His grin widened as he splayed his hands atop hard muscled thighs. “Of course ye do. State yer business, luv. I ain’t got all day.”
Put off by his brusque and crude demeanor, Elvina straightened her spine and narrowed her gaze. Just because her current circumstances required this man’s assistance didn’t mean she had to sacrifice her dignity by accepting his utter lack of manners. “May I sit?”
A brow arched over his deep-set eyes, which she could now see were a dark gray color, not unlike unpolished antique pewter. Then he gave a short laugh and a dismissive wave of his hand as he used a booted foot to kick a chair out from under the table. “Suit yerself, princess.”
She had to clench her teeth to stop herself from taking issue with his mocking attitude, but as she lowered herself into the chair, the odious man actually chuckled.
What in hell did he find so amusing?
“Look,” she began haughtily, “I know you’re traveling to London and intend to continue on after your breakfast. I am also heading to town, but find myself without a way to get there. I—”
“A mail coach should be along soon enough.”
She ground her teeth at the interruption but forced herself to reply. “The mail coach won’t pass by until this afternoon. I cannot wait.”
One slashing brow twitched upward. “Why?”
“The reason for my haste is my business.”
“And what’ll I get fer the trouble of taking on unwanted company?”
“I’d actually prefer to purchase the sole use of your carriage.”
His laugh then was brusque and humorless. “Not a chance.”
Elvina tensed. Faced with the option of having to wait hours for the mail coach or continuing her journey this morning—with this man—she truly had no choice. She just didn’t like it very much.
“Fine,” she retorted. “As an additional passenger, then. I’ll pay you. Handsomely,” she added, thinking of the near fortune in jewelry she’d managed to stash on her person before leaping from her bedroom terrace.
He spread his arms and flashed a grin. “Do I look like I need blunt?”
He didn’t. Now that she was closer, she could see exactly how fine his attire was—made of the best materials with expert stitching. He clearly had his share of wealth if not refinement. Yet, as she looked into his eyes, she sensed something there. Something acquisitive and calculating. Almost...predatory.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
“No,” she answered, “but you do look like a man who wouldn’t turn down a worthy reward so easily earned.”
His lips curled in an interesting fashion, forming something that was more of a snarl than a smirk. Her stomach twisted uneasily at the sight and a strange prickling teased her nape.
His words were low and weighted when he finally replied. “Very perceptive, princess. But I haven’t made up me mind yet if ye’re as easy as ye claim.”
Elvina tensed and lowered her chin. His tone was blatantly suggestive. Surely, he didn’t dare to think...
“I offer payment in jewels, sir,” she noted firmly. “Nothing more.”