The mental image of her supplicating before him—her lips parted to receive him—triggered a swift rise of lust through his body.
He cleared his throat. “There was hardly time to fill ye in. And I needed yer outrage to be convincing.”
“How’s this for convincing?” she muttered from between clenched teeth before the fist of her free hand connected sharply with his stomach.
It wasn’t enough to cause much pain, but it did catch him by surprise, allowing her to twist free of his grip. Max resisted the urge to chuckle, deciding she should be allowed her moment of revenge.
As she turned away to climb back into the carriage, Max glanced over his shoulder. Jack had already sent the horses racing off into the night while George used the newly acquired rifle to direct the three brigands to the side of the road. They’d soon be on their way again.
With a satisfied grin, he leapt up into the vehicle close behind the furious female. When he saw that she intended to claim the back-facing seat, he made a low growl and grasped her hips in his hands to pull her back with him onto the side they’d been sharing.
Her initial gasp of surprise turned swiftly into a shriek. “What are you doing?”
The woman’s deliciously rounded backside landed square in his lap. Max’s hands tensed over her lush curves as desire shot through his body. It didn’t help when she began to fight against his hold, squirming to be free.
The impetuous woman really didn’t know what was good for her.
Perhaps it was time for a bit of a lesson.
Chapter Five
“You bastard!”
The insult wasn’t nearly harsh enough for the deceptive, cold-hearted man. And the sound of his low laughter as she struggled ineffectually against his strength only infuriated her more.
“By nature and by birth,” he countered. His warm breath tickled her nape as he spoke, sending shivers down her spine.
With a final huff of breath, she stilled her useless attempts to escape him. Shaking the tousled curls back from her face, she wished she could turn to face him so she could give him a proper glare of displeasure. But his hold remained secure, keeping her on his lap with her back pressed to his broad chest as the carriage started off again.
“I don’t like being a pawn,” she noted sharply.
She felt him shrug. “No one does, but that doesn’t mean it ain’t necessary now and then. The sooner ye trust me, the easier this’ll go.”
“Easier for you,” she scoffed, testing his hold. It didn’t budge. “And if your methods put me in danger?”
He shifted beneath her, parting his legs to create space for her bottom between them. His thighs were hard, immoveable brackets around hers, keeping her in place as much as the arm he’d slipped around her waist. He lowered his head beside hers and his lips brushed the outer curve of her ear as he replied, “Ye were never in danger, luv. I wouldn’t’ve let ’em have ye.”