Page 15 of Seducing the Knave

The rich, low-muttered words were shockingly close. Close enough that she felt them wrapping around her back and flowing against her cheek.

No. That was Max’s arm sliding down to curl firmly at her waist and it was his warm breath that caressed her face.

She tipped her head back and a little breath of surprise slid from her lips when she found herself looking into his piercing gaze. She realized with no small bit of astonishment that his stare wasn’t nearly as harsh as she’d thought it was. In fact, his eyes were magically faceted with glittering depths and mysterious shadows, like smoky diamonds.

His deep chuckle rolled along her nerves. “Come on, then.”

He started to walk her from the room, keeping her tucked along his side. His warmth and strength surrounded her. Overpowered her. She both liked the sensation and didn’t at all.

“I can walk just fine, I assure you,” she asserted, trying to put a bit of distance between them.

“Maybe.” His tone was dismissive and his arm didn’t loosen around her.

And for some reason she couldn’t even begin to fathom, she stopped resisting. Matching her stride to his, she allowed him to lead her through the inn and out into the crisp country air.

Dropping her head back, Elle drew in a deep breath as she gazed up at the pale blue sky painted with wispy white clouds. Her hood slipped off but she didn’t bother to tug it back into place. The sunlight felt warm and lovely on her face just then and a sigh slipped from her lips.

Max’s chuckle rumbled gently through her—the low vibration sinking into her, into the very core of her. And she welcomed its rich, warm presence.

The groom was waiting at the carriage door and held his hand out to offer her assistance into the carriage. But before she could accept, Max swept her off her feet and set her bodily into the vehicle. Shadowed darkness embraced her and she settled back on the plush cushions with another sigh.

She wasn’t sure when she’d last felt so physically...content. Her belly was full and the ale had warmed her bones and melted the tension that had been aching along her spine and across her shoulders. It was lovely.

When Max climbed into the carriage and took the seat beside her, she recalled with an annoyed harrumph that she’d been relegated to the other side. Shifting her weight, she prepared to move across the carriage.

“Stay. A belly full of ale can make traveling backwards bloody awful.”

She slid him a sideways glance. “Then you’ll switch to the other side?”

His answer was a laugh.

Of course he wouldn’t.

Then he gave her a look of subtle knowing amusement. “I’ve a feeling ye’ll be needing me soon enough.”

She snorted. Need him? Not likely.

But he might be right about the ale. As the carriage started off, the swaying and bumping of the vehicle caused a swift return of the slight dizziness she’d felt earlier. Better not to risk getting ill.

Closing her eyes, she pulled her cloak around her like a blanket and tipped her head back, sinking into the physical contentment spreading throughout her body.


MAX STRUGGLED WITH the urge to groan and laugh at the same time.

Even the woman’s blasted snores were sensual. All breathy and soft and deep. Like the purr of a contented cat napping before a warm hearth.

As he’d suspected, she’d passed out almost immediately. Though how she managed to stay asleep with the road so rough and bumpy, making her head loll back and forth, was beyond him.

Scooting lower in his seat, he propped his boots up on the opposite bench then slipped his arm around her to pull her in against him so she wouldn’t topple to the floor.

She gave a low murmur, tucked her legs up, and curled into his chest. When her hand slid from beneath the fall of her cloak to rest on his abdomen, his stomach muscles tensed to granite and a shot of lust angled to his groin.

“Bloody ’ell,” he muttered with a glance upward.

That such an innocent touch could affect him so swiftly and intensely was damned ridiculous. But there it was. Fully evidenced by the sudden painful constriction of his breeches. Using his free hand, he adjusted himself and settled in for a few hours of sexual torment.

As she shifted in her sleep to press herself more fully into his warmth, he couldn’t stop himself from imagining the two of them were naked in bed rather than fully clothed while being jostled about in a carriage. His jaw clenched. He imagined the weight of her lush breasts flattening against his chest as he smoothed his hand down the creamy slope of her back to palm the full curve of her rear.