Chapter Four
It took every ounce of Elle’s concentration to maintain her composure under his intent stare. She’d seen the greedy fire in his eyes when she’d stupidly revealed where her earrings had been concealed. For a moment, the man had looked as though he’d reach across the table and delve into her bodice himself.
Just imagining the confident thrust of his fingers inspired a deep trembling in her body. In an attempt to disguise it—and hopefully distract herself from further thoughts of his seeking touch—she lifted her mug of ale and took a healthy swallow. When she lowered the tankard back to the table, Max’s grin beamed back at her.
“Enjoying the ale?”
She clenched her teeth. Did the man have to find every little thing she did so frustratingly amusing?
“I am,” she replied with a rebellious hitch of her chin.
“Next, ye’ll be wantin’ me gin,” he teased, slipping back into a thick cockney accent.
He did it on purpose and her blood warmed as she resisted the urge to react in any way that might satisfy whatever his intention might be. Instead, she tilted her head and eyed his glass of clear liquor. She’d never had pure spirits of any kind. Before tonight, the only alcohol she’d ever had was a bit of watered-down wine with dinner.
“Why not?” she replied as she reached across the table to take the glass from his hand. Her fingertips brushed his in the process and she nearly flinched at the odd spark of sensation triggered by the contact. Ignoring it, she brought the glass to her lips and took a quick sip before she lost her nerve.
The astringent scent of pine burned her nostrils as the liquor seared a path over her tongue and down her throat. The urge to cough made her eyes water, but she somehow managed to cover up her reaction by breathing through her nose then exhaling through pursed lips as she slid the glass back across the table.
Max watched her with a sharp glint in his eyes.
“Delightful,” she managed. Just barely.
His chuckle suggested she hadn’t fooled him one bit, then he tossed back the rest of the glass’s contents before tipping the bottle to pour some more.
As soon as his attention flickered briefly back toward the bar—perhaps there was some true threat there, after all—she downed more ale to wash away the harsh flavor of the gin.
Never again.
That stuff was wretched. She couldn’t imagine how anyone could actually like it.
Thankfully, now that their negotiation was finished, Max turned his attention toward his meal, allowing Elle to do the same. Still, she didn’t miss how he’d pause now and then to glance about the room, or how his gaze sharpened whenever it passed over the occupants of the bar.
On one occasion, she chanced a peek herself.
Though she couldn’t be sure it was the same ones he’d mentioned, she did catch a quick impression of three men seated at the far end, where one of them had an unimpeded view of their table. But she didn’t notice anything particularly menacing about them, nor did they appear overly interested in her.
Max was either unnecessarily suspicious or he was trying to provoke her as she’d first suspected.
By the time their dishes were cleared, Elle’s ale was suspiciously near the bottom of her tankard. She didn’t recall having drunk so much of it, but she did notice that her body felt wonderfully sated. Whether from the meal or the yeasty brew, she rather enjoyed the warm, languid feeling that infused her limbs and made her eyelids feel a bit heavy. Perhaps she’d even manage to get in another little nap in the carriage once they got back on the road.
Glancing about, she noticed that the dining room had emptied significantly. Even the three men at the bar had left. She turned her attention to Max, only to find him staring at her with an odd sort of intensity.
A rush of heat swept through her blood. It wasn’t embarrassment. Or enmity. In fact, she felt exceptionally at ease. Certainly, more so than she’d been since she’d run into this particular man. Perhaps there was some comfort in knowing that her way forward was settled. Max would see her safely to Mayfair, handling any trouble along the way. And once she got to London and Lady Gilchrist, she’d finally feel safe enough to figure out some solution to the situation with Jasper.
All would be well.
But that didn’t mean they could dally.
Catching Max’s flinty stare, she ignored the tingling warmth it inspired. “We should be on our way.”
He gave a nod in response and she rose to her feet, but her head went suddenly fuzzy and the room tilted beneath her feet.
“Easy, luv.”