“Debatable,” he muttered, “but I won’t force the issue.” His gray eyes slid over her shadowed face and cloaked form. “As I said earlier, ye’re trouble. Fortunately, trouble is me specialty.” The corner of his mouth curled upward. “I’m the man ye need, princess, but I expect to be paid me worth.”
Elle carefully considered what he said. In truth, she couldn’t find anything she could properly dispute. Perhaps he was exactly what she needed.
With a heavy sigh, she lowered her chin and lifted her hand to the bodice of her gown to slide her fingers into the hollow between her breasts. Withdrawing one of the delicate earrings she’d stashed there, she lifted her gaze to see Max staring at her with eyes that glinted a dangerous silver.
Her heart leapt to a frantic pace and heat swirled through her body as she realized what he’d just witnessed.
Embarrassment colored her cheeks and sharpened her tone as she warned, “Don’t you dare say a word.”
MAX COULDN’T’VE SPOKEN even if he’d wanted to.
Though the fall of her cloak had shielded much of her actions, he’d caught a heavenly glimpse of a full creamy bosom pressing up from a snug bodice. Despite her petite stature, the woman possessed the kind of lush curves that could haunt a man’s most wicked fantasies.
And Max’s fantasies could be unbelievably wicked.
Though color rode high on her cheeks, the lady gave an irritated harrumph as she reached out to grasp his wrist. Drawing his hand across the table, she placed a small object into his palm. When he pulled his hand back, he saw a perfectly cut sapphire in the form of a drop earring set within a cluster of what appeared to be smaller amethysts.
He was impressed. It was a lovely piece and warm in his hand, forcing him to acknowledge where it had been hidden. He suddenly wondered how many more jewels she had stashed away...and where.
His blood heated at the thought of going on a sensual little treasure hunt.
“You’ll get the other one once I’ve safely reached my destination. And only if I reach it unharmed and un...touched.”
Max’s brows lifted as amusement curled through his belly. “Are ye saying I’m not allowed to ravish ye?”
She frowned adorably. “If you wish to put it that way, yes.”
He couldn’t hold back his laugh. The lady was so bloody damned naïve. Didn’t she realize he could promise whatever she wanted and still strip her naked to find every jewel she’d hidden on her person before claiming her body as the final prize?
Infuriated by his laughter, she reached out, intending to swipe the earring from his palm. He easily evaded her grasp and took hold of her wrist with his other hand as he locked his gaze with hers.
“I told ye before, luv,” he said in a low and intimate murmur. “I like me women to beg.”
Her breath caught and her pupils widened as she stared back at him. Her soft blue-violet gaze flickered to his lips before she forced it back to meet his. The next breath she took was deep, and for a heady second, he thought she might start begging right then and there.
Instead, with a swift twist of her wrist, she pulled free and tucked her hand beneath the table. Tilting her head to an imperious angle, she stated, “Then I’ve obviously nothing to worry about. Have we a deal or not?”
Smiling despite himself, Max gave a nod as he pocketed the earring. “We’ve got a deal.”