Page 113 of Seducing the Knave

“They’re pieces of yer past that brought ye to me,” he explained. “Fer that reason alone, they’re worth far more than anyone could ever offer in exchange. The necklace, however...” His voice lowered and his lips curved. “That’s me promise to ye. That ye’ll never again be forced to part with what’s precious to ye.”

Elle wrapped her arms around him and tilted her mouth to his. “You’re precious to me,” she whispered against his lips. “More precious than all the jewels in England.”

He laughed—a rich, textured sound that twisted sensuously through her blood—before he claimed the kiss she offered. “Don’t go too far, now,” he teased.

“But it’s true.”

“In that case, perhaps I should pawn these gems after all.” He slid his hand down the side of her throat to cover the necklace where it rested just above the swell of her bosom. The warmth and weight of his hand on her was thrilling despite his words.

She flashed a sharp little glare. “Don’t you dare.”

His chuckle of amusement didn’t bother her in the slightest. “They’re yers, luv,” he murmured. “As I’m yers.”

“And I am yours,” Elle replied, her tone husky as desire sparked in her core.

Just as Max lowered his head to take her lips once again, a sudden thought sparked in her mind. “Wait a minute.” He paused, arching a brow. “What about my broach?” she asked.

A smirk curled his lips and he answered in a voice that was undeniably knavish and wicked. “Oh, the ruby’s mine, princess. Tucked away somewhere safe and secure.” His eyes gleamed. “Ye see, the broach is yer promise to me. Or more a reminder, really.”

“Oh?” Elle arched an imperious brow. “A reminder of what, exactly?”

“That sometimes a man’s most desperate dream can appear out of nowhere to make haughty demands and drive him wild with lust.”

“You like it when I give demands,” she noted thickly.

His arms tightened around her almost painfully, but she didn’t mind. “I like it better when ye beg,” he growled.

A shiver of delight and anticipation curled through her blood.

Meeting his gaze with a sultry smile, she offered a gentle plea. “Please...can we go to dinner and spend a few hours with your family so we might return to our bedroom as soon as possible?”

Max’s eyes narrowed. “Not what I had in mind, princess.”

“I’ll make it worth the wait,” Elle replied as she slid the tip of her middle finger along the curve of his bottom lip, reveling in the sparks of hunger she ignited in his gaze.

“It already is, luv.”

The harshness in his voice caused Elle’s heart to perform a violent lurch as it swelled even bigger than it was already. Then he gave a jaunty wink. Slowly releasing her from his embrace, he stepped back to offer his arm.

“Shall we, Lady Griffin?”

“We shall,” she replied with a smile before she lifted her chin to a prideful angle, “though I must insist you address me by my proper name.”

The flash of his grin threatened her equilibrium. “As ye demand...Mrs. Owen.”