Narrowing her gaze, she assessed her reflection with a critical eye, turning first this way then that. Tonight would be the first time she and Max attended a family dinner at Wright House together, as a married couple, and she wanted to make the right impression.
The gown she wore was a dusky blue color made of fine satin and the softest silk. Elle found that she preferred less complicated designs these days, so the dress had none of the many frills and ruffles the dressmaker had wanted to add. She’d styled her hair herself, pinning it into an elegant chignon atop her head while intentionally allowing a few long curls to fall over her shoulder and rest against her cleavage. Max could never resist twirling her curls around his fingers if given the chance.
She enjoyed giving him the chance.
Deciding she looked about as presentable as she could for an evening with the Wright siblings and their extended families, Elle was about to turn back to the room when she heard something that made her still.
It was the faintest breath of sound. A whisper of movement.
Her heart raced and she had to force herself not to reveal her awareness in the quickening of her breath. Very carefully, she scanned the shadows behind her in the mirror’s reflection, but she saw nothing at all to suggest she wasn’t alone.
Yet, she knew she wasn’t.
Before she could take her next breath, he was there. His arms wrapped around her from behind, squeezing firm beneath her breasts, and his mouth brushed against the outer curve of her ear before he dropped a burning kiss to her bare shoulder.
“Got ye again, luv.”
Elle released a weighted sigh as heat and happiness flowed through her. “But I knew you were there this time. I heard you.”
“Couldn’t’ve,” he argued.
“But I did. Very soon you won’t be able to sneak up on me anymore.”
He made a rough sound and turned her to face him.
Elle flashed a smile as she lifted her arms to drape them around his neck. When his hands dropped down to palm her full rear, she pressed herself boldly against him, soaking in his strength and possession.
“It’s difficult to be stealthy when I want to be seen,” he admitted with a smirk.
“I see you,” Elle whispered, her voice throaty and suggestive.
“I see ye, as well, luv. And ye’re a bloody fine-looking piece, I must say.”
Elle laughed at his lusty tone, but then he leaned back and his brow furrowed.
“But something’s missing.”
“What?” Elle stepped out of his arms and turned back to the mirror. “Nothing’s missing.” She grasped her skirts and lifted them to her knees. “I’m even wearing a corset and stockings.”
Max’s chuckle was rich and warm as he stepped up behind and lifted something over her head, bringing it down to rest over her collarbone.
A necklace.
“What...?” Elle reverently drifted her fingertips over the piece while he secured the clasp. Made of sapphires and amethysts, it looked strikingly familiar. She turned around in shock. “Max?”
Instead of replying, he lifted her hand to secure a bracelet to her wrist—a bracelet she’d asked Langworth to sell in exchange for ready cash—before affixing the matching earrings to her ears. The delicate brush of his fingers across her sensitive skin caused a shiver to chase down her spine even as tears burned in her eyes.
“What did you do?” she asked, a soft sob in her voice.
His tone was nonchalant. “I had a necklace made to match the set.”
“But the bracelet...I sold it.”
“To me.”
Elle shook her head. The emotions welling inside her were too overwhelming to put into words. “I can’t believe you kept them,” she whispered.
With another rough sound, Max took her face in his hands. In the depths of his glittering gray eyes, she saw shadows and mystery and a hint of menace. But there was also the undeniable sparkle of hope and love.