Page 101 of Seducing the Knave

Caillie lifted her skirts to climb onto the bed and Elle followed suit. She had never had any real close friends growing up, but something about that moment, as she sat face-to-face with Caillie, felt oddly natural...and comforting.

The younger woman gave her a long look before speaking. And though she was smiling warmly, there was a distinct and acute assessment in her hazel eyes. It suddenly reminded Elle of how Max would assess his surroundings in a sweeping but comprehensive glance, and like him, she sensed this girl saw far more than what just resided on the surface.

“I hope you’ll forgive me for being so blunt,” Caillie began, though Elle doubted she ever tried very hard to hold back her thoughts, “but I kent the moment I saw you in Max’s room that you were verra special to him. And it’s even more clear to me now that I was right.”

Elle was shaking her head before the girl even finished. “I’d say you couldn’t be more wrong. He’s just ended things. Without a discussion or even a goodbye. Clearly, I meant very little to him.”

With every angry word she spoke, Elle’s heart broke into smaller and smaller pieces.

God, how could she love the man so deeply even now? After he’d proven he felt nothing for her?

Her life seemed fated for loss. Her parents. The life she’d once known. And now Max.

Losing him felt nearly as painful as the day she’d learned of her parents’ deaths. In some ways, more so...because she’d actually started to envision a lasting future with him. He’d allowed her to believe in something again—in hope and happiness. And love.

Damn him.

“Och,” Caillie said gently as she reached forward to take Elle’s hand in both of hers. “Max can be verra difficult to understand.” Elle gave a derisive snort, inspiring a quick grin from Caillie, who went on to add, “Though it might not look like it, everything he does is directed by a need to protect those he cares about. The downside of that is he doesnae trust easily.”

Elle glanced away with a lift of her chin. “And he’s just made it very clear that he doesn’t trust me at all.”

“Nay,” Caillie said with a vigorous shake of her head. “He was protecting you.” She sighed. “He has this ridiculous notion that he mun keep his life organized into distinct and separate parts. He cannae seem to fathom one part bleeding into another. That’s why I’m forbidden from visiting him. Even our brothers havenae been to his place. Not in six years! He is verra careful to keep his life in St. Giles separate from all of us. In truth, we know very little about him.”

“I can understand why he was reluctant to share such things with me, but you’re his family,” Elle noted. “Why wouldn’t he want you to know him?”

Caillie’s eyes were sad. “As I said, he keeps everything separate.” Then she tilted her head. “But you said he was reluctant. Has he told you things?”

“Only very little,” Elle confessed. “A bit about his mother and his childhood and how he managed to overcome the worst of his circumstances.”

Caillie appeared stunned. “That’s a wee bit more than a little.”

“And still,” Elle pointed out, “he sent me away.”

The girl frowned and her shoulders slumped. “Aye,” she muttered darkly, “there is that. But Max often does confounding things for reasons that aren’t verra clear at first. I just cannae believe he meant to give you up for good. I’m certain he has some greater intention.”

The girl’s optimism was contagious and a flicker of hope bloomed in Elle’s heart.

Trust me methods, Max had said once. Was this all a ruse or a test of some sort? Or just another distraction to allow him time for his true purpose? If it was, she didn’t appreciate being used as a pawn any more this time than she had during the highway robbery.

Bloody scheming brigand.

“He is that,” Caillie agreed with a wily grin.

“Damn,” Elle muttered with a quick smile that was only slightly contrite, “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

“Aye, but it’s as true as the other,” the girl admitted with a laugh.

Tilting her head, Elle noted, “Despite Max’s dedication to keeping the many aspects of his life separate, you still seem to know a great deal about him.”

“We managed to uncover the basic details of Max’s past when Colin was first trying to track him down. Yet, it took two more years before Max actually agreed to meet us.” She made a face of annoyance. “Well, not me personally since the others wouldnae let me tag along.” The girl shrugged and gave a rueful laugh. “The rest I managed to sort out on my own. No doubt my skills in discovering secrets grew out of having four big brothers whose first instinct is to protect me by holding me in ignorance.” She rolled her eyes. “Thank God Worthy raised me to value knowledge and matter how painful they might be.”

“So, you truly are Max’s sister?” Elle asked, though she’d accepted the truth of it some time ago.

“Aye,” Caillie answered with a proud life of her chin.

“And Lord Wright is really his brother?”

“He is,” Caillie replied readily. “As is Roderick, and we’ve another brother who raises sheep in Wales.”