That doesn’t stop me from snapping my fingers at her. “Attend, baby girl.” A reminder of whose hand holds her leash.

The image of Jasmine in a collar, of gripping a chain attached to it, assaults me. I have to shove it away to prevent my body from reacting. Now is not the time for losing control, not while we have an audience watching so closely.

Once Jasmine has taken up a position at my side, I turn my attention back to Hades. “Don’t overstep.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Again, that slow smile that spells nothing but trouble. “As long as you remember to play by the rules. Your little coup has a lot of people looking over their shoulder. It doesn’t suit my interests to have Carver City paranoid and up in arms. Bad for business, you know.”

Ah. So we’ve reached the real reason for this visit. I hold up my hands and affect a casual smile. “No need for anyone to worry … as long as they aren’t thinking of taking advantage of the change in power. I have no intention of expanding territory.” For now.

Hades chuckles. “Somehow, I don’t think that naked ambition shining in those pretty dark eyes will make anyone feel better.” He smoothes a hand over his hair. It’s as perfectly styled as always, the silver in the dark strands lending him a layer of respectability that he plays up for all he’s worth. “Go enjoy yourself, Jafar. But be aware that we’re watching.”

Of course they were. As the newest power player to step up, I’m both a threat and more vulnerable than those who have held their positions for years—and decades in some cases. I have to solidify my base, and quickly, to prevent anyone from making a move that will end with me six feet under.

Tonight is partly about that.

There are those who pay more attention to bloodlines than others, but putting my collar around Balthazar’s daughter’s neck sends a clear message regardless of which side of the line they land on. If I was smarter, that would be the only reason I’m playing the game out like this.

I can pretend I haven’t watched her every day for the last five years, can pretend I haven’t fought my desire for her for the same amount of time. Most people will even believe it.

Not Jasmine.

Even in her relative innocence, she knows better.

I don’t speak as I guide her out of the room, down the hall, and into the main lounge. It’s Jasmine who sighs and says in barely a whisper. “This is all a show for the people he’s talking about. I’m the show.”

I should say yes and create clear boundaries between us. Now is not the time to allow myself to be distracted, no matter how good her pussy is. What’s more, it’s good business to cut her confidence down before she finds her legs. Jasmine was never allowed to stretch her wings enough to find her power when she lived in her father’s home. I’d be a fool ten times over to allow it in mine.

And yet …

I am that fool, because I can’t fucking do it.

“Playing the game protects us and everyone under us.”

“Us.” The faintest of smiles curves her red lips. “Don’t overplay your hand, Jafar. There is no us.” Jasmine flicks a glance around the lounge. There are more people here than there were before. “If the game protected anyone, it should have protected my father.”

“He was careless.” Balthazar was too sure of his power, too sure of his people’s loyalty despite his shitty behavior. He never thought to question it, so it never occurred to him that they would question it, either. I can’t afford to be that arrogant.

Especially not with Ali still out there.

Still a threat.

“Apparently so.” She doesn’t shift away, but I feel her withdraw all the same. “Put on your show. I’ll play the good girl.”

She, better than most, knows the importance of appearances. I open my mouth, but shut it because I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. Comfort her? The very idea is laughable. I want her. She’s under my care and control, which means her safety reflects back on me. That’s all it’s supposed to be.

I know better than to lie to myself, even if I’ll lie to everyone else as the situation calls for it. Jasmine draws me in a way no one else has. It started the moment I laid eyes on her, and everything I’ve learned about her since has only reinforced the truth.

She’s mine.

She was mine long before I ever claimed her.

I take care of what’s mine. It’s the only quality I possess that might keep me from the flames when I die, though it’s a long shot by anyone’s standards. I could break Jasmine. Even though she surprises me in different ways, I know her well enough to make it happen. It’s just the matter of applying the appropriate stressors.