Page 34 of Tempting the Earl

His eyes were bright, but his smile quickly faded as his gaze found hers. The muscles in his jaw clenched in that familiar way, but Ainsworth was far too wrapped up in her thoughts to feel embarrassment for being caught staring at him. In fact, she’d have been quite content to stare at him a bit longer. Perhaps she’d figure out what his tightening jaw meant and what that strange flicker in the depths of his eyes indicated. And most importantly, why they managed to make her limbs feel like melting butter while her insides sparkled like effervescent wine.

“Worthy, are you all right?”

Ainsworth blinked rapidly as she turned to the lass. “Of course.”

The child eyed her dubiously. “You looked a wee bit touched for a moment.”

“Just distracted by my thoughts,” Ainsworth noted, vowing not to look in the earl’s direction for the rest of their time in the garden.

Luckily, Mrs. Athens chose that moment to step outside with the lemonade and some light, buttery biscuits. Once she set everything on the table, she turned to Ainsworth.

“This just arrived for you, miss.” The housekeeper set a neatly folded missive on the table in front of her.

Thinking it had to be from Mr. or Mrs. Norris, Ainsworth had a brief moment of concern that something might be wrong back at Faeglen. But when she looked at the note, she realized she didn’t recognize the handwriting.

“What is it?” Caillie asked, all curiosity.

“I dinnae ken.” In truth, it looked a bit like an invitation of some sort.

“Well, open it,” the girl urged.

Ainsworth glanced to the earl, who was directing his attention out over the garden. “I should probably wait until later.”

“I can step away if you’d like,” he offered as he glanced back to her.

“That’s not necessary, my lord,” she replied, suddenly feeling foolish for delaying such a mundane task. “I cannae imagine what it might be,” she mused as she broke the seal and opened the note.

It was an invitation, after all.

“Well...” Caillie prompted impatiently. “Who’s it from? What does it say?”

“It’s from Mrs. Bentley. She’s invited me to an engagement party she’s throwing for her sister, who’s just recently been betrothed to the Earl of Harte.”

Caillie clapped her hands together. “A party! How fun! Oh, you must go, Worthy. May I see the invitation?”

“I’m not so sure, luv,” she replied as she handed the note to Caillie. “I doubt I’ve got the proper attire for such a grand soirée.”

“But she says right here it’s nothing extravagant, just an informal event for family and friends.”

Ainsworth laughed. “It’s celebrating the engagement of an earl. It’s going to be formal regardless of what Mrs. Bentley says.”

“It’s an invitation to a true London social event,” Caillie pressed. “I’d die to get such an opportunity. You cannae turn it down, Worthy.”

Taking the invitation back from the girl’s emphatically waving hand, Ainsworth noted a bit more sternly, “I can. And I must.”

“But—” Caillie tried to argue.

“But nothing.”

The girl looked away with a huff as she crossed her arms petulantly over her slim chest.

Feeling a bit self-conscious by the whole thing, Ainsworth glanced back to the earl, hoping he was still pretending not to listen.

Unfortunately, his bright blue gaze was quietly assessing her. And that damned line was back between his brows.

When she widened her eyes in a questioning expression, he simply reached for his lemonade. After taking a long sip—during which Ainsworth had to remind herself not to stare—he gratefully turned his attention back to Caillie.

“It’s become quite obvious that you love to spend time outdoors, but I’m curious what subjects you most enjoy while in the schoolroom?”