The ropes that bound her were rough and tightly secured. The knots wouldn’t budge.
Lark slipped her fingers into the bodice of her borrowed gown. She’d been astonished earlier when Portia had showed her that an abbreviated corset was attached directly to the inside of the bodice. And sewn within the inner lining of the corset, right between her pushed up breasts, was a slim sleeve just large enough to hold her specialized knife. Withdrawing it from where it had been nestled against her sternum, Lark triggered the mechanism that allowed the blade to slide free.
The ropes were quickly dealt with. After giving another gesture to keep silent, to which the girl nodded briskly, Lark turned to the captive on the other side.
Catching sight of the blade in Lark’s hand, the girl’s eyes widened and she began to squirm.
“Shh,” Lark said gently. “I won’t hurt you. I’m going to release you. But you must relax and trust me. Breathe slow and deep and remain still.”
The young woman responded gradually to Lark’s soothing words, and after a few blinks, her gaze appeared slightly less terrified.
“Good,” Lark murmured. “I’m just going to cut your binds, but you must stay in place and stay silent. For just a little longer. I need to be sure the way is clear before we leave this room. Do you understand?”
The girl nodded.
After cutting her ropes, Lark approached the door and pressed her ear to the thick wood in an attempt to determine if the guards were still there. All she heard was silence. She’d hoped to be able to hear something of when Hale might be near, but the soundproofing of the room was going to prevent that possibility. Taking slow and steady breaths, she considered how much time had passed since they’d arrived.
One of the girls shifted behind her and issued a soft sound of distress.
Returning to the bench, Lark asked, “Are either of you hurt? Can you both walk on your own?
They both nodded.
Lark decided not to wait any longer. She had no doubt Hale had been convincing in his chat with the guards. Hopefully, the men just beyond the door were a couple of his old mates.
“All right,” she breathed. “After I open the door, stay back until I say to follow. Are you ready?”
They nodded again and shared a tense look. Rising to their feet, they waited expectantly as Lark turned back to the door. Sliding her fingers beneath her gown’s black velvet sash, she withdrew her small pouch of tools from another cleverly hidden pocket.
She sent a silent whisper of gratitude to Portia for her foresight and her amazing gown.
As silently as she could—just in case the guards outside were not included in Hale’s new recruits—she manipulated the lock until the inner workings fell into place. After hearing the light snick, she held her breath, waiting for a reaction beyond the door.
There was nothing.
Maybe the guards had already abandoned their post.
Standing, she returned the tools to her sash and reclaimed the welcome weight of the knife to her grip. She gave the other women a look of encouragement then slowly turned the handle of the door. The latch released without a sound and Lark cautiously opened it a crack.
The room beyond was dim but she could see no one about. Though her heart thundered heavily against her ribs, she maintained a steady breath and calm composure as she opened the door wide enough for them to slip through.
And suddenly came face to chest with the burly guard. He blocked all sight of the room behind him as he stared down at her with a forbidding expression.
Even as she tightened her grip on her knife and tensed to strike, the man was suddenly thrust to the side as Hale’s familiar form took his place. Hale stared the man down with a look as intimidating as any Lark had ever seen.
“Disappear,” he growled with a short tip of his head.
Without a word, the guard turned and lumbered away.
Hale looked to Lark and flashed a grin. “All set, dove?”
Lark waved the others forward. “Come along.”
Gratefully, they came forward without hesitation, likely eager to take their chances with the unknown rather than wait for whatever fate their captors intended.
Once back in the small office where Lark had been examined by Lowndes, Hale paused. Lark could already hear the faint sounds she’d detected on arrival. The music and a murmured collection of voices that seemed to have gotten louder.