Page 78 of Tender Blackguard

Too soon, the views outside the carriage window changed as they left the orderly streets of Mayfair behind. The farther they went, the more dark and twisted the lanes became and the more people could be seen out and about.

Lark knew the moment they entered Covent Garden. She took a deep breath as memories of her childhood flooded through her. Though it had been years since she’d left, the old neighborhood still felt like home in a way. There was a different energy here than anywhere else. Most visitors just saw the barely disguised desperation of the lower-class inhabitants. They failed to see the true strength of such a place. The cleverness and ingenuity. The found families and the depth of community that could be found in the unlikeliest of places. It was rough and harsh and dangerous. But it was beautiful, too.

And it was here, in the warrens she’d once called home, that they’d find Dryden’s marketplace, where innocent women were brought to be sold to men of noble prestige and wealth. It was surprising that men of such affluence would choose such a foreign world in which to conduct their play.

Then again, perhaps not.

In their arrogance, they no doubt considered the location a perfect setting for their particular depravities. Away from the watchful eyes of the rest of the ton. Where they could readily find people willing to do a great number of things for the right coin. People to use and exploit for their pleasures. Where they could exert their assumed limitless power without anyone to gainsay them.

As the carriage began to slow, Lark took a deep breath. Calming any riotous nerves. Focusing on the task ahead. Visualizing their success. And Alastair’s ultimate freedom.

Then she turned to the stoic man beside her. “It’s time.”

He didn’t move at first. But then he made a low sound in his throat and released her hands to reach for the gag looped beneath her chin. Holding her gaze, he lifted the gag into place. Since it had to fit tightly to appear legitimate and so it wouldn’t slip, the cotton spread her lips painfully, forcing her to breathe deeply through her nose.

The marquess scowled darkly. “Is it too tight? Are you all right?”

She nodded without hesitation and muttered a guttural assurance, but he didn’t look satisfied. When he reached for the knot at the back of her head, Lark jerked away from him and gave a sharp shake of her head.

He cast her a dark look, but then the carriage came to a full stop. Cursing beneath his breath, he swiftly pulled the hood of her cloak over her head. She just managed to close her eyes and slump heavily against his side before the carriage door was opened.

“Come along, love,” he murmured seductively for the benefit of those who might overhear as he shifted her into the circle of his arms. “We’ve arrived.”

Lark issued a soft sound but continued to move slowly and with difficulty.

Turner was able to determine that the vial sent by Lowndes contained a drug intended to only partially incapacitate one who ingested it. The effects would not last long. Just long enough, it was assumed, to get a victim into a more secure location where any potential struggles and screams would not be heeded.

As a young pickpocket, Lark had employed various charades and ruses to distract a target or to lure someone into a trap where they could be fleeced by her comrades. The current act was simple enough. It was Alastair who’d need to carry the bulk of the weight in their ruse. Figuratively and literally, she realized as he eased her sagging form from the carriage then swiftly lifted her into his arms.

She almost smiled at his determination to keep her within the circle of his protection. For now, she’d allow it. But she knew, even if he didn’t, that such consideration likely wouldn’t last much longer.

Turner’s associates had long ago been dispatched to the location to keep watch and be on hand when the time came. Turner, Portia, and Hale should all be crouched in wait somewhere nearby. But once Lark and Alastair entered through the darkened doorway, they would be alone in the devil’s lair.

But not alone.

They would be together. It had been a very long time since Lark had felt she had someone she could trust and rely on implicitly. Perhaps never. She’d trusted Harriet, of course, but she’d always taken care of the other girl, never the other way around. And though she’d certainly relied on the others in her gang, her trust had been limited since they’d have put their own good above hers in an instant. And she’d have done the same in reverse.

What she felt with Alastair at her side was wholly different. It was an equal give-and-take. An equal desire to protect and defend. And she knew without doubt he felt the same.

Though her eyes were closed and her head was bowed against Alastair’s chest, she could easily sense when they’d left the darkened alley to enter the building. Knowing the necessity of learning something of their surroundings, she risked a peek from beneath the shadow of her hood as they were led along a dimly lit corridor by a man dressed head to toe in black, who appeared to be more a bruiser than a footman.

The other night, Hale had discovered that many of the guards stationed in and around the place were men he knew from the neighborhood and some he’d even trained. He’d had a little talk with them and fixed their loyalties. Tonight, they’d been instructed to follow their usual orders until Hale gave them the signal to do otherwise.

The hallway was as common as hallways go, except for being kept so dark. They passed by a few closed doors, but there seemed to be no activity beyond the doors. In fact, the entire place was shockingly quiet.

Next, they ascended a flight of stairs before heading down yet another long hall. Now she could hear some muffled noise up ahead. A hum of voices and possibly some music and other undiscernible sounds. But before they got close enough to determine any more, they stopped and turned toward a closed door and another large guard. The door opened and both guards stepped aside for Alastair to enter.

Lark couldn’t see what was ahead beyond the flickering reflection of more candlelight, but Alastair’s grip tightened, and he hugged her closer to his chest. If he was getting fatigued from carrying her so long, he certainly didn’t indicate as much. But he seemed to hesitate in the doorway, as though he might be considering turning on his heel and leaving right then.

Lark gave a soft whimper and shifted subtly in his hold. Hoping he’d take it as encouragement to continue with the plan.

“Come forth, my lord. Your arrival has been highly anticipated.”