The invading pressure and possession sent Allegra spinning to a new level of sensation. “Baird…please.” She didn’t know what she was begging for, but she had a very good feeling he’d understand.
His reply was a soft grunt of encouragement as he continued to caress her inner flesh and make love to her with his mouth. Pushing her higher and closer to the pinnacle she sensed within reach. When he added a second finger, her inner muscles clenched around him in a fierce little spasm as she moaned at the lush pleasure of it.
“That’s it, lass. Unleash yer passion for me.”
His murmured words slid over her heated folds as he curled his fingers inside her. Every muscle in her body tensed; her belly fluttered wildly. Then he circled her bud with the flat of his tongue and she was lost.
Pleasure burst bright and heavy inside her. A rushing wave of sensation pulsed outward along every nerve as he drew on her with his mouth and urged the pleasure on with the slow thrust and retreat of his fingers.
After a few moments, the pleasure faded out through her fingertips and toes, leaving her body languid and soft. She opened her eyes to see Macrae rising over her on his hands and knees. She slid her palms up his corded arms and down over his chest to his tight, rippled abdomen. He still wore his drawers but the fastenings had loosened and the wide tip of his erection extended beyond the waistband.
She reached for him, brushing her fingers over the tip. So smooth and hard.
Macrae issued a stiff groan as his belly tensed and tightened. The muscles of his arms bulged with the effort to hold himself above her. Looking up, she noted that his eyes were tightly closed and his pulse beat rapidly in his throat.
She circled her thumb over his crest and reveled in the way his jaw clenched and his lips pulled back from his teeth.
Anxious for more, she released the remaining fastening of his drawers and tugged until they slid down his thighs. His erection was free. Long and thick and so hard it looked painful. Desperate to soothe him, she grasped his hot length with both hands.
The moaning growl that rolled through his chest filled her with a new kind of pleasure as the hollow ache ignited again in her core. The size of him was intimidating, but her body was already aching for him to fill her, stretch her, claim her.
She slid her hands up along his hardened length, circling her thumbs over the broad tip before sliding her hands down again. He was so hot and smooth. Hard and needful. As she brought her hands up again, she noticed a bead of moisture escaping the slit at the top. She gently claimed it with the tip of her finger, then spread it over his satiny flesh.
“Ye’ve got me on the brink, lass.” His voice was harsh and tight.
Allegra lifted her hand to curl it around the back of his neck. Tilting her chin upward, she drew him down. She caught the flashing heat of his gaze just before his mouth took hers. The ravenous thrust of his tongue made her moan. The raw puff of his breath as he struggled to maintain control stirred the flutters in her belly.
“No more waiting,” she murmured against his lips. “I need you now. Give me everything.”
With a raw sound of hunger and possession, he took her mouth again as he lowered to his elbows and settled his hips between her spread thighs.
Allegra arched beneath him. It felt so good. The brush of his chest across her nipples, the rough texture of his thighs against hers, the hot, blunt pressure of his erection pressing to the entrance of her body. She ached for him to surge forward, claiming her completely.
But he paused.
Framing her face in his hands, he looked intently into her eyes. His expression was deeply earnest and there was a vulnerability in the soft tilt of his smile that she hadn’t noticed before.
“I want ye to ken how much this means tae me,” he began in a rough murmur. “The gift ye’re givin’ me isnae taken lightly. I vow—through all the days of my life—to keep showing ye that yer trust isnae misplaced.” When Allegra would have spoken then, he pressed the flat of his thumb gently to her lips, stilling her thoughts. A flicker of humor entered his gaze. “I cannae say we’ll never disagree. I reckon we’ll argue a fair bit. But I’ll never hurt ye. Tae do so would hurt me tenfold in return.”
Allegra’s breath shortened and her heart swelled near to bursting. She pursed her lips to press a kiss to his thumb. “I love you.”
She intended to say more. To tell him all the reasons she’d been wrong, to make her own vow of loyalty and promise never to doubt him. But it all came out in just those three words.
His chest expanded on a deep breath and his gaze flickered with emotion. “Again, lass.”
The rough murmur of his voice squeezed at her heart even as it stirred her desire.
Tipping her chin, she slid her arms around him to hold him close. “I love you, Baird Macrae.”
He claimed her mouth in a heady kiss that roused tingles across her skin and twisted her belly with delicious craving. Darting her tongue along his, she hooked her hands over his shoulders and surged her hips upward, needing the pressure of him between her thighs.
His smooth, hard length glided thick and hot along her sex and the ragged sound he made soaked into her bones.
He needed her.
And she needed him.
Reaching down between their sweat-slicked bodies, she wrapped her hand around him. He groaned again, a rough and hungry sound. Tilting her hips, she aligned his satiny tip to her core.