Baird chuckled. “Impatient, are ye?”
“Impatient.” She pressed another kiss to the side of his throat. “Needful.” Her voice lowered and her lips parted in an open-mouth kiss beneath his jaw. “Desperate.” Her tongue flicked hot and teasing over his pulse.
He groaned in earnest as he turned his head to claim her mouth with his own. The kiss was instantly deep and intense. All their pent-up passion had risen to the fore and would no longer be denied. Tongues twisted and tangled ravenously, breath passed in gasps and sighs as their bodies moved against each other, seeking more intimate contact.
Baird’s blood ran thick and hot through his veins, pumping in a furious rhythm of need, rushing to his cock with insistent purpose.
As he kissed her—kissed her with the full strength of love and hunger rushing through him—he fought the urge to press himself into her softness, to take her in every way possible. He’d moved too fast that morning in Inverness. It had scared her away and he didn’t want to make that mistake again.
But he could feel her growing restless beneath him. Her hands grasped him harder; her thighs tensed and shifted against his. When the fine edge of her teeth sunk into his bottom lip, Baird could barely stop himself from thrusting his hips against her to ease the ache in his body.
Abruptly, she broke from the kiss and pressed a hand to his chest in an effort to create a breath of space between them. He tensed from head to toe, preparing himself to pull back as he looked down at her.
She drew a long and ragged breath as her dark eyes flickered over his face, settling for a moment on his mouth before rising again to meet his gaze. “Is there someplace more comfortable we can go? While this sofa is lovely,” she continued, “I’d think your bed would be much more appropriate for lovemaking.”
He nearly choked on his surprise and the rush of lust through his blood. “Are ye asking me tae make love tae ye, then?”
Her smile was slow and stunning, widening her lips in a gentle curve as she pressed her breasts to his chest. “You make love to me. I make love to you. I’d prefer we engage in the act equally, if you don’t mind.”
Baird made a sound that was part chuckle, part growl as he took her mouth in a swift, impassioned kiss before lifting his head again. “Are ye sure, lassie? It’s not my desire tae rush ye into something ye’d regret.”
“I want you, Baird Macrae. Now. Today. Tomorrow. As long as we live. And I don’t intend to waste another moment pretending I don’t.” She framed his face between her hands and boldly met his gaze. “Take me to your bed.”
In a second, Baird was rising to his feet and lifting her with him, not stopping until he had her hoisted into the air and set over his shoulder with an arm clamped over the back of her thighs to keep her in place as he strode swift and sure across the room to his bedroom.
Her laughter warmed any areas inside him that were not already aflame with desire.
Chapter 17
Allegra could not chase the smile from her lips. She’d long anticipated the passion and the heat, but she found herself surprised by the playfulness, though she should have expected it with Macrae.
Once in his bedroom, he set her carefully on her feet. “Just a moment,” he muttered as he turned to move about the darkened room.
Anxious to feel his hands on her bare skin, Allegra started releasing the row of buttons on her gown. A moment later, the room was illuminated by the glow of a small lamp.
Nearly all the space in the modest-sized bedroom was taken up by the enormous bed. Of course, it would have to be big to accommodate Macrae’s great size, but there would be more than enough space for her as well.
Desire rolled insistently through her body as she watched Macrae cross the room to the fireplace. A single chair sat before it with a small table. He crouched before the hearth to coax a gentle fire to life. Only when he had it as he wanted did he straighten and turn to face her.
She’d managed to shed her gown in the time he’d been occupied with his tasks and she stood at the foot of his bed dressed only in her underclothes. They were of thick wool and heavy cotton to protect against the cold, but that didn’t seem to matter to him. The sudden stiffening of his entire body and the blaze of heat in his gaze told her he was pleased by her less than dressed state.
She wanted to give him more of that pleasure.
When he took a single lunging step forward, she held up her hand in a gesture to halt. He did so immediately, though a sound of protest rumbled through his chest.
Allegra smiled. Sensual power swirled with her rising desire, pooling deep in her center.
Holding his gaze, she loosened the ties of her petticoat until she could push it past her hips to fall to the floor, leaving her in her drawers, short stays, and chemise.
He ran his hand roughly over his mouth. His gaze was intense and devouring.
Allegra waited until his focus returned to her face, then she gave a short nod. “Your turn.”
His eyes widened briefly, then one corner of his mouth lifted in a wicked little grin. Reaching back over his shoulder, he grasped a handful of his shirt and dragged it over his head before he tossed it aside in one smooth motion.
Allegra paused to take in the sight of his brawny naked torso. She’d seen it in a flashing glimpse that morning long ago, but she hadn’t taken the time then to admire the strength and definition of his form.
She did now.