Émilien stared into Hel’s ice-blue eyes in wonder. “Your eyes are no longer black.”

Her eyes widened. “Really? What color are they now?”

“They look like the blue ice in Ginnungagap.” He cupped her cheek. “You are so beautiful, but I think I might prefer the black eyes. Let’s go home, izr?.”

She smiled. “I love it when you call me your sweetheart.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. “Never stop,” she whispered against his mouth before leaning back. “You want to go back to your castle?”

He shook his head. “No, my wife. I wish to return toourhome...in Helheimr. Let’s go find our daughter and live as a family where it all began.”

“You’re certain of this?”

“More than I ever have been about anything in my very long life, izr?.”

She stared up at him, her face close to his. “I love you.”

Reaching up, he pulled her head down to his, showing her how much he loved her—had always loved her. His Hel.


Shalendra, Svartalfheimr

Shalendra followed the dwarf guard down the corridor, each step closer to the tyrant king growing heavier. She felt as if she were wading through thick sand. With Castien’s bloodstone tucked safely in her bodice, her courage mounted, but worry and a twinge of fear gnawed at her insides, making her stomach rumble in discomfort.

A now-familiar buzzing sounded inside her head, and she concentrated on the individual words Ashia uttered. It was difficult at first, but if she focused, she was able to understand more of the stone’s speech.

Slow down, please. Can you repeat that? I think I understood what you’re saying but want to make sure.

The stone buzzed again....fear under control. The king has borrowed magic that seeks out information using sentient feelings.

Great.Shalendra swallowed a groan. She hadn’t been exaggerating when she told Castien she wasn’t good at lying, nor was she an actress. Soliana had always been the one who could get away with things. Over the years, she tried to emulate her best friend, but the effort always ended in failure.

You know me not, but I can help. I sense your care and concern for Castien, and he would never give me over to anyone he didn’t absolutely trust. I can assist you, but you must have faith in me, or this will not work. Can you do this?

Shalendra rolled her shoulders and stood a bit straighter. Her decision made, she stuck out her chin with a confidence she didn’t feel.Yes, Ashia, I believe youand will do whatever you need me to do—to the best of my ability, which I must confess, isn’t much.

Nonsense. You have not come into your full powers. I feel them simmering just underneath the surface, yet you hold them back. Why?

She frowned as the guard led her through a doorway swathed in gold overlay. Etched silver designs covered it both inside and out, and the center of each corner rosette nestled prominent emeralds. As they entered the ostentatious throne room, the gemstones winked.

At the far end of the room sat the gaudiest chair she had ever seen. Scrollwork upon scrollwork lent an air of chaos. The closer she got, the more she hated the design. She rubbed her temples, hoping to ease the building ache in her head. The design woven into the white material covering the seat looked as if a child had dribbled food all over the cushion.

Finally, the guard stopped a few feet from the dais and held out his arm in front of her, a silent warning to stay a bit behind him. She complied and waited for the dwarf king to appear. Previous worries surfaced. She couldn’t help but wonder why he had summoned her, let alone why she had been imprisoned. True, she and Soliana breached the kingdom’s wards, but she was certain a lot of people did that, since nothing had been marked, telling them they were trespassing.

Stay calm, Shalendra. When you see the king, do not react to anything he says or does. Answer only what he asks and make sure your voice is steady. I am quite surewhen your brother questioned you about something you didn’t want him to find out about, you did this.You must explain to me later how your brother became your father... It is confusing.

Rightly so. I’m still confused about the whole ordeal. To me, Émilien is my brother, so thinking of him in anything other than that role is difficult. What you said is somewhat true. I can act nonchalant, but normally I fold under duress. My best friend, Soliana, is the person who usually got us out of trouble. She is an excellent actress.

Then become her. If she is your best friend, you will know everything about her. Take over her persona and you will get through this. You must be sent back to the prison.

She closed her eyes, picturing her best friend and their life when she was young. Soliana had visited many times after she and her brother moved to Midgard, but it wasn’t until the Great War that divided Alfheimr that she came to live with them. Shalendra pictured her friend’s parents, her brother. The glistening white house she had loved to visit. She thought about how Soliana talked and acted when Émilien thought he had caught them breaking the rules. They had, but Soliana talked their way out of punishment.

A door slammed, pulling her attention back to the present, and she glanced up in time to see a very handsome man walk across the dais and sit on the hideous chair. His sneer reminded her of a snake, both devious and sinister. She didn’t like this person one bit but followed Ashia’s advice, keeping her expression blank and the image of a serene valley in her mind, only focusing on the gentle swaying of the tiny flower petals covering the ground.

“You were imprisoned for trespassing on my land. What have you to say for yourself?” the king demanded in a haughty tone.

“I’m sorry, my lord, but the area my friend and I were in wasn’t marked. It was dark, and we were unaware that we had strayed into your domain. Forgive me.”

Very good, now keep it up. He cannot sense you are anything but who you present.