Page 3 of Mia’s Misfits

Mia sat up and swung her legs to the floor, automatically reaching for her night rail. “And why didn’t you answer it sooner?” she asked, shoving first one arm then her other into the sleeves. She tied the silk sash around her waist and slipped her feet into her slippers.

“Because I was trying to sleep, too. I couldn’t take the knocking any longer, so I answered the door.”

Mia ignored her friend’s flippant remark and tried to finger brush her hair into some order. “It must be serious for the children to have been awakened.” She opened the door to see Brian standing there wringing his hands, his cute freckled face scrunched tight in worry. Even his normally slicked back coiffure stood on end, a telling sign to the poor child’s agitation.

She dropped to her knees in front of him and opened her arms wide while Katriona hurried past them and down the hall. With a stifled whimper, he stepped into Mia’s embrace, his small body shaking like a leaf in a high gale. She rubbed his back and rested her cheek against his soft curls.

“Whatever’s happened, I’m sure will work out just fine. You’ll see. Miss Katriona, Madam Wigg, and I will make it all right in no time.” She gently pushed him away, held him by the shoulders and gave him a smile as Katriona hurried back toward them. “Let me talk a moment with Miss Katriona and then we will go.”

He nodded but didn’t say anything, only bit his lower lip and continued wringing his hands.

Mia turned around and frowned at Katriona, noticing for the first time that her short blonde hair was in a bit more disarray than usual. “What has happened?”

“Amanda seems to have broken her arm. The story told so far is that everyone was asleep when suddenly she fell from her bed to the floor and must have landed on it wrong.”

“Which is quite possible,” Mia agreed.

“It’s just that the break is in the middle of the bone and doesn’t look right to me,” Katriona whispered.

Mia frowned but didn’t say anything as she turned to Brian and held out her hand. “Come with me, my dear. Let’s go see how Amanda is doing, shall we?” The little boy hesitated then took her hand and let her lead him toward the girl’s room. “You know, Madam Wigg told me when I first arrived here, I had a broken arm, much like Amanda’s.” She held out the arm, pulling up his hand with hers. She was glad he couldn’t see the crooked curve in her forearm from the previous break, which wouldn’t calm the child’s nerves at all. “And now look at it. Good as new. Amanda’s will be, too. You’ll see.”

“That’s quite right,” Katriona agreed from behind.

The stench of fear and sour bodies attacked Mia’s nostrils, and she jerked to a stop in front of the room Amanda shared with the three other girls. Her abrupt stop surprised both Brian and Katriona, who ran into the back of them with athump,as she muttered something very unladylike under her breath.

“You could have warned me beforehand, Mia, and saved my nose.” Katriona glared as she gently pushed and pressed the bridge of her nose. “I don’t think it’s broken, but the back of your head is incredibly hard.”

“I’m sorry.” Mia glanced down at Brian, his face twitching each time Amanda’s whimper could be heard from inside the room. “I know you are worried about your friend, but I need you to go wait in your room. Do you think you can be brave for me and do that? Madam Wigg will be sending the girls to other rooms once the doctor arrives.”

“But I want to be there for her and help her be strong. She’d do that for me.”

Mia squatted down in front of him. “What a true friend you are, Brian, and I am so proud of you for that. And you’re right. If it were you in there with a broken arm and in pain, I would be out here consoling Amanda and telling her the very same thing. It’s one thing to want to help someone and quite another to actually see the person you care so much about hurting. Just knowing how badly you wanted to be there for her will give Amanda the strength to get through this. I promise.”

Mia waited while all sorts of emotions passed over Brian’s small face as he made up his mind. Finally, his wide-eyed expression lessened, and his lips pinched together in a firm line of decision as he gave her a nod.

“Yes, ma’am, I’ll be brave for Amanda in my room…on one condition. You must come and tell me the moment the doctor finishes up and says she’s going to be all right.”

Mia smiled and held out her hand, which the five-year-old solemnly took and gave one solid shake. “You drive a hard bargain, Brian, but I agree.” She turned the young boy around by his shoulders and lightly swatted his behind. “Now, off with you to your room. I’ll be there with good news before you know it.” She watched until the wood door closed behind him.

“I don’t know how you do it, but those young ones adore you.”

“And I feel the same about them. Maybe that’s what they sense? Something as simple as that?” Mia took a deep breath through her mouth and tried not to breathe through her nostrils. For some strange reason, she had never been able to deal well with being in a sick room. She entered the room and quickly glanced around the space, taking in the smallest details. Everything was in its place and spotless, which in and of itself was suspicious, especially knowing the other three girls who roomed with Amanda. The oldest girl was always in trouble for one thing or another and never kept her area clean.

It was the feigned look of worry on two of the girls’ faces that verified it for her. Katriona was right. This hadnotbeen an accident. Right now, though, her first concern was getting Amanda through the ordeal. Tomorrow would be soon enough to take her suspicions before Madam Wigg. It was one thing to be slovenly and irresponsible, but quite another to harm someone else.

Madam Wigg entered the room as Mia sat beside the poor girl. “I have called for the nearest doctor. He should be here any minute, but I am glad you’ve arrived, my dear. You have such a gentleness, and the little ones are drawn to that, especially Amanda,” she whispered then turned and immediately shooed the three other girls from the room.

Mia smiled at her silver-haired benefactress, grateful for the woman’s kind words. Madam Wigg had taken her in and raised her like her own daughter, just as she had for so many other children in the orphanage. She owed this woman so much. She loved her like a mother and could never repay her for all that she had done for her. Mia’s smile widened as she watched how Madam Wigg handled the three girls, marching them from the room without a single argument. The woman truly was amazing.

Keeping her touch as gentle as possible, she smoothed back Amanda’s damp, blonde hair. She leaned in closer, laying her cheek on the pillow beside the girl’s pale face. “Everything will be all right, my sweet, I promise.”

Amanda’s eyes opened, their bright blue dulled with pain. Her lower lip trembled and tears welled, streaming downward into the already soaked pillow. “It hurts so much, Miss Bradley.”

Mia glanced down at the girl’s obviously broken arm. The limb lay propped on a pillow to keep it stable, but the bone was bent at an angle in the middle of the forearm. She would’ve had to have landed on top of something in order to snap the bone in such a manner.

Mia glanced down at the area around Amanda’s bed. As usual, not even a dust mite was allowed to rest on the floor surrounding the girl’s living space. The five-year-old was meticulous and everything was spotlessly cleaned once, if not twice a day, regardless of her other chores or schoolwork. It was Amanda’s way of coping with her inner turmoil and feelings of abandonment, feelings Mia knew all too well.

“I know your arm hurts, sweetie. I do. I broke my arm when I was your age and remember the pain. I won’t lie to you, Amanda. It’s going to hurt for a while, but I’m going to tell you a secret. Every day the pain gets a little bit better, and then one day you will wake up and it will be gone. You won’t even notice until much later, and the realization will stop you in your tracks. You’ll look down, stare wide eyed at your arm, and smile your beautiful smile and think of my words to you tonight.”