Parker coughs. I think Skylar’s managed to surprise her. But it was never a secret that Liam and Theo—Eli’s best friends, superstars on the football and lacrosse fields, and basically gods amongst men in the school—came from our rival school.
There were rumors about a girl Theo couldn’t stand. And more rumors that said girl was Amelie’s younger sister.
“I did,” Parker says slowly. “They ran with an interesting group of boys.”
Skylar straightens. “Yeah? Who?”
“Why are you so curious about them?” I ask.
Skylar blushes. “Honestly? I was just curious if she knew them. Eli came back—who’s to say the others won’t, too?”
“They’re in school.”
And so was Eli.
I’ll admit, I’m curious why he’s back. It’s the first non-homicidal thought I’ve had toward him in a while. And the look in his eye as he hovered over me in the woods…
I simultaneously wanted to throat-punch him and kiss him.
I shouldn’t have knocked into him. I lost control for a split second, the anger that pulses under my skin breaking free. He’s clearly not here to make amends, and I won’t help him. He’ll have to impress Coach Lennon to keep this stupid assistant job, and I… I just need to keep things smooth sailing enough to get to State.
From there, I can get a college scout’s attention.
A scholarship.
It’s the boost I need to get out of this hell town.
“Earth to Riley,” Skylar says, poking me.
“Sorry, I got lost up here.” I tap my temple.
“I can tell. The turn is up ahead.”
Stone Ridge has areas of closely packed houses and a lot of farmland. Skylar’s house happens to be…
“You live next to Liam’s family,” I say. Her road is long and twisting, up a hill, but it’s clearly next to the Morrison house. I only came here a few times with Eli, usually to pick up Liam before school when Theo couldn’t.
Parker snorts. “Shut up.”
I squint at Skylar, who’s getting redder by the second.
“He doesn’t really give off boy-next-door vibes, you know?” Parker hops out of the car as soon as I stop, heading up to Skylar’s house.
I stare after her. What the hell is she doing?
Skylar lives in a modest ranch house. The dark-red paint is peeling, and the porch slopes to the left. Only a portion of the long front yard is maintained, cut short and immaculate. Beyond that, the grass is a tall, wild mess.
No cars in the driveway ahead of mine, no garage.
“What is she doing?” Skylar asks.
I shrug.
She watches Parker a moment, but the latter girl just stands to the left of the front door. Waiting.