Once my door is closed, I pull out the figurine. Part of me wonders if it’ll still be transmitting.
I point the mermaid face at me and take a deep breath. “If you can hear me… I’m going to find you.”
You’ve gotten bolder, Margo. It makes me wonder: is this Caleb’s fault? Or a stable home environment? Has courage given you a new pair of wings?
But you’re forgetting about the cage. The thing that traps you. Holds you hostage.
I’m impressed that you managed to get to Matt. That you made him talk when Caleb couldn’t.
Oh, how I wish I could’ve seen them fight. The way Matt came back, broken nose and battered ego, was thrilling.
Things are fraying at the seams. Nothing is as it appears.
I guess that leaves the question: Will you find me? Will you succeed? There’s so much more to us than you know.
We’re in this together, Margo, to the bloody end.
And I think the end will most certainly be… exciting.
Will you tell me when you’ve had enough? When I can finally stop messing around and just show you what I’ve learned?
Evil doesn’t always wear a devil’s mask.
Even good people have a dark streak.
And anyone can break.
So just know this: I’m coming for you. And Caleb. And anyone you’ve ever fucking cared about. This started a long time ago.
Beat your wings against the bars, pretty little bird. It won’t make any difference in the end.
The last class of the day used to be my happy place. Painting, Margo, and hell, even Mr. Jenkins made the day seem lighter.
Now it’s cold and empty, and I skip it more often than not. I swing by the room, just to make sure I didn’t miss anything. It’s been four days since I caught Margo at Matt’s house. Four days since Robert’s emergency surgery.
Monday is cold and bleak.
There’s a fresh coat of snow on the ground, giving the world a black-and-white quality.
But there’s still a substitute teacher at the front of the class, and I know Margo isn’t back yet. She’s been hiding out at the house or visiting Robert with Lenora. Whether she’s hiding because she’s scared or for some other reason, I can’t say.
The weekend had passed quickly. We made popcorn and watched movies. Riley and Eli even joined us, breaking Riley’s avoidance streak.
Honestly, that was more to do with Margo than Eli. Eli and Riley barely looked at each other, even though they were in the same room.
Note to self: find out what the fuck is going on with them.
I head to the parking lot. Liam, Theo, Eli, and I have somewhere to be. They’re all gathered between Theo and my cars, laughing about something.
But first things first…