I pull the knife out of my pocket, flip it open, and press it against his throat. It’s enough for him to freeze.
Do great and terrible things, Liam had said. What is this if not great and terrible?
“You took me from the car accident. Drugged me. Brought me somewhere. Why?”
He winces.
“Margo, I swear, I didn’t want to hurt you—”
The tip of my knife digs into his skin. “Doubtful.”
“Listen, this is just a big misunderstanding—”
“The police said you had a fucking alibi,” I growl. “What did you do? Hit Robert’s car, drag me out and drug me, then go off somewhere to be seen in public?”
His hand wraps around my wrist.
“You were helping Caleb with the spy camera, weren’t you? Was all that just a wild goose chase?”
“Which question do you want me to answer first?” He laughs, but it dies when I lean over him. The knife cuts into his throat, and the first few drops of blood ooze out.
I feel more crazy than not these days—it’s about time someone noticed.
Besides, Matt wouldn’t talk to the boys. I’d bet anything that Caleb remained in control of the situation. Calm, cool, collected. He only comes unhinged if it has something to do with me—well, more directly, anyway.
The way Matt ran off the property last night makes me think Caleb and his friends didn’t try hard enough.
He eyes me like I’m going to suddenly stab him. “Okay, okay. No, it wasn’t a wild goose chase. The person downloading the videos was doing it at the diner.”
“It wasn’t you?”
He rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t that close to the… project.”
I scoff. “Bullshit, Matt. I’m supposed to believe that you knew where the videos were being downloaded and turned on them? But only enough to give Caleb a clue. You were close enough to hit Robert’s car and abduct me, but not—”
“It was part of the plan,” he blurts out. “To fuck with Caleb by going there.”
I raise my eyebrow. “Where was it, exactly?”
“A diner.” He spits out the address, and I commit it to memory.
He continues, “We had the data to back up my findings, but there were no plans to continue going back there. You’re not going to find who you’re looking for if you go there.”
“You don’t know what I’m looking for,” I snap. My mind reels.
Why lead Caleb to a diner to fuck with him? Why have Unknown go there at all? The whole thing could’ve been fabricated.
I push the thought out of my mind. “And the alibi?”
“My girlfriend,” he mutters. “She said I was with her.”
“She lied to the police.” I laugh. “Of course. What, are you that good of a lay? Fuck you, Matt.”
“Please don’t hurt me.”
I pause and examine the blade. The way it digs into his skin without cutting. It’s a slicing blade, so all I’d have to do is pull it down. He’d bleed out in minutes—maybe even seconds. The carotid artery is nothing to fuck with.
“What did Caleb ask you?”