His lips touch the shell of my ear. “It isn’t you who holds the blame.”
No, he’s right.
It’s Matt.
The doctor is in the waiting room, Lenora already in front of her. I go stand beside her, leaving Riley and Caleb behind. There’s another woman in the room, dressed in scrubs, that hangs back, too. I recognize her as Lenora’s doctor friend.
“He’s out of surgery,” the doctor says. “He’s in recovery right now, but we’re hopeful that everything looks good. He’s off the ventilator and should be waking up in a little while.”
“Can we see him?” Lenora asks.
“Yes. I’ll have a nurse come get you when he’s back in his room, although he’ll be quite groggy. We’re going to keep him here for observation for another few days.”
Lenora shakes her hand, and then the doctor leaves us.
I let out a long breath. “He’s going to be okay.”
“Sounds like it,” Lenora says. She smiles.
We’ve been full of hugs today. Hugs and sadness and panic and worry. Too much worry.
The exhaustion hits me like a ton of bricks to the face.
“Do you want to head home?” she whispers. “You’ve had a long day.”
“You’ve had a long week. I…” I can’t go without seeing him one more time. To confirm with my own eyes that he’s okay. “I’ll get a ride home with Caleb or Riley after we see him.”
She nods, stroking my hair. “You have an appointment to get these stitches removed soon.”
“Monday.” Almost a full week away. They’re driving me nuts, but I try not to focus on it. On what it symbolizes.
How did I walk away with just a gash and some bumps and bruises, and Robert…
I cross the room and sit between Riley and Caleb. There are things I need to say to Riley… preferably without Caleb eavesdropping. So instead of speaking, I just let both of them take a hand, and I close my eyes.
“Wake up, love.”
It’s been mere moments, but my eyes are sandpaper. I straighten, shooting a quick glance at Riley. She’s on her phone, her lower lip sucked into her mouth. My hand is still being held by hers.
Caleb has my other one. But he also has…
I shake my head. “Why am I sitting on your lap?”
“Because you started snoring about two minutes after you closed your eyes.”
“I did not.”
“You did,” Riley confirms. “And you looked so uncomfortable, Caleb just had to fix it.”
“Ha, ha.” I put my hand on his shoulder and stand, ignoring the creaking feeling in my bones. “Is it time?”
Lenora and her friend are near the door, talking in low voices, but Lenora glances up at the sound of my voice. “Yes, he’s back in his room.”
I smile, then frown. Fear lances through me. Oh God, what if he’s…
“Come now, honey,” she says. “The sooner you see him, the sooner you can get back to snoozing.”
“Very funny.”