“We’re allowed to laugh. He’d probably be happy we weren’t crying without cause.”

“But…” He could still die. It’s late, almost six o’clock. That alone shocks me, since I got here so early in the day.

Hours or minutes. Time swung away from me when I wasn’t paying attention.

I lost a whole day to this limbo.

I’m still contemplating that when Riley appears, breathless. She looks between Lenora and me. We must be quite the sight—red-faced and winded ourselves—but she doesn’t comment. She beelines for me and squeezes the daylights out of me.

I grasp at her back, letting the rib-crunching hug put me back together.

“I came as soon as I could. Caleb is on his way, too. He wouldn’t let me leave without interrogating me. Are you okay?”


“Sorry, stupid question.” She releases me, then gives Lenora a hug. “Anything I can do for you? What’s going on?”

“Robert had to be rushed into surgery,” Lenora says. “We’ve been waiting…”

Riley nods. “Got it.”

I grab her hand. “I don’t think Caleb should be here.”

She blinks at me. “Um, why?”

“I just…”

Lenora smiles. “You’re avoiding him, huh?”

“Looks like I’m getting my dose of therapy in today, anyway,” I say under my breath. To my foster mom, I add, “Yes. Unequivocally.”

“Because he rescued you from Matt?” Riley asks, scowling. “I mean, what’d he do that was wrong?”

“I’ve been hurting everyone.” I shake my head. “He got arrested because of me. Did you miss that part?”

“They just held him,” Riley says. “And if you ask me—which I know you didn’t, but you should because I’m your best friend and I love you—he makes you happier. When you’re both not brooding, that is.”

Lenora snorts.

“So, I guess you can call him up and tell him not to come…” Riley waves her phone at me.

I sigh. There’s no way he’d listen to me.

“Exactly.” She’s smug.

I’ll just have to escape before he gets here.



I cast one look at Margo’s window before we get down the street. She wasn’t awake when we were getting ready for school, but I had hoped she would come down…

“Lovesick, dude.” Eli laughs. “I’ve never seen it so bad.”

“I’m not…” Lovesick. It would explain why my chest doesn’t feel quite right. Missing pieces and all that.

“Whatever. Hey, try not to give everyone hell at school.”