He stumbles to a stop and spins around. “Your whole family is fucking crazy.”
I shrug. He’s right, there’s no point denying it. Although, I’m not sure when he would’ve formed that opinion.
He charges again, his fist barely missing my cheek as I twist away. I stick out my foot, and he catches on it, sprawling out.
My blood is pumping. Theo was right—best fucking Christmas present ever. Revenge is a dirty thing, like a stink that you can’t wash off. But this isn’t revenge.
This is justice.
Eli pulls Matt up, slapping his cheek. “You still with us, Bonney?”
He shoves Eli away and spins back toward me. The blood from his nose has stained his front teeth red. I’m itching to hit him again—just like I’m itching for him to hit me.
When he comes back around, I get in two quick punches to his torso, then back away. If I get him flat on his back, I know I won’t be able to stop.
Matt yells. It shatters the night.
Liam grabs him from behind and slaps a hand over his mouth. In his other hand is a knife, and he raises it to Matt’s neck. “What did we say, huh? You want to die tonight?”
Eli shifts.
Yeah, we didn’t sign up for murder.
“You talk or you get a hit in,” I tell Matt in an even voice. “That’s the only way you’re getting out of here on your own two feet.”
Theo grins, making a show of looking Matt up and down.
Matt swallows. “I’m dead if I talk, so… there goes that option.”
Liam releases him, shoving him toward me.
Margo’s face flashes in front of my eyes. What would she think about this? Justice or not, she calms the bloodlust. For sense to trickle in. There’s a bit of hopelessness to this situation. Four boys beating up a fifth. Is that what we’ve reduced ourselves to?
He comes after me, and I stay still long enough for him to get a hit in.
His knuckles glance across my jaw, harder than I would’ve wanted—but definitely not as bad as it could’ve been. My head cranks to the side, and my cheek is torn open by my teeth. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth.
I spit onto the floor.
I stare at Matt. He’s watching me like he can’t believe he actually hit me—and if I’m going to uphold my promise.
“I will get to the bottom of this,” I warn him. I’m sure my teeth are stained red like his, and I make sure he sees it. “And until then? You better stay the fuck away from anyone you care about. We’ll be watching.”
He slowly raises his arm, wiping the blood from his mouth off on the back of his hand.
Eli steps aside to let him pass, and he follows out to watch Matt go.
“You let him off the hook too easy,” Theo says.
“Hitting him felt good, but…” I crack my neck. The adrenaline is leeching out of me, reminding me that it’s the middle of the night. “He’s smart. He wouldn’t have done this on his own—and clearly he wasn’t going to spill.”
Liam grunts. “Maybe.”
I tilt my head back, gaze on the rafters. “And… thank you.”
Theo chokes. “Yeah?”