She reaches up and grips my chin, forcing me to look at her.

“Don’t do that,” she says. “Don’t hide.”

I watch her face. “I’m not.”

“You’re trying to hide,” she argues. “Don’t.”

I should’ve seen Margo’s transformation coming. I broke a follower—the sheep nickname we mocked her with—and she turned into a wolf.

Her phone buzzes, and fear flashes across her face.

“Who is it?” I ask.

She shrugs, pointing to the nightstand, and I roll over to grab it. Pain flares up my back when it hits the mattress, but I focus on Margo. I swipe open her phone, going to the messages.

Unknown: What will you do now that Caleb’s out of the picture?

I stare down at the words, then slowly scroll through the rest of the messages. They’re taunts, every single one of them. She replied occasionally, but never to any degree of success. I knew she was getting messages. I told her as much. But I didn’t know they were this extreme.

She grabs the phone from me, reading the message then clicking off her phone.

“You said you knew,” she says in a low voice. Now she’s the one leaning on an elbow, looking down at me. “But they seem to be operating on old information.”

I frown. “You’re right.”

“Please don’t tell me it’s my mom,” she whispers. “I don’t think I could take that right now.”

“I don’t think so,” I say, tracing her jawline.

“It could be Amelie. Or Savannah…”

I sit up, forcing her to move back. “Have they threatened you? Physically?”

Her eyes go wide. “N-no… do you think they will?”

“Tell me if the messages get worse. It could just be someone jealous at school, but if it isn’t…” It could be someone from my family. I wouldn’t put it past my mother or uncle to try to play mind games. But seeing them written out, my earlier suspicions are doused.

It’s too sporadic. Late at night and early in the morning. Midway through school. Whoever saw Ian taking Margo across the field had to be at school that day, had to send the picture to Savannah, who sent it to me…

“She was out of the country when I first got to school,” Margo supplies. “If your mind jumped to Savannah like mine did.”

I grunt.

“Margo? Caleb?” Lenora calls.

We both scramble off the bed. She smooths it out and perches on the edge, and I move to the window, trying to cool my skin.

Lenora opens the door, sticking her head in. “Maybe keep this door open when you have a boy up here, Margo?” She smiles, but it’s shaky. “And Caleb…”

I straighten.

She blows out a breath. “Thank you for the note. Although I can’t imagine how you found it.”

“He was going to show my mother the picture,” Margo blurts out. “To find out the truth. But then…”

Lenora comes in and sits beside Margo, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. “Honey, I’m so sorry. Robert and I talked, and we’re afraid that our past with Josie has affected our relationship.”

“It has,” I cut in.