He hugs me from behind, and I die of shock. Caleb Asher is hugging me. He’s wrapped around me like an octopus, infusing heat into my suddenly cold body. It’s a little surreal—like the devil has shed a few layers, and he’s not actually that bad.
I’ve discovered a bigger monster—his uncle.
“I need to get these covered again,” he says against the top of my head.
I turn in his arms, dying to hug him back but afraid of hurting him. My hands twitch at my sides. Just when I think he might kiss me—he’s got that look—he takes a step back and tosses the gauze to me.
“Okay. Yeah, I can do this.”
He snorts. “Not much choice, since you unwrapped it to begin with.”
I manage it, and we walk out of the bathroom.
“You should leave,” he says.
I spin around. “What?”
“You don’t think I noticed you came here in the middle of the day?” He picks up his phone and sends a message, then tosses it back down. “It’s cute. You skipping school.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” I sit on the couch. “Can’t I just stay here?”
“I’m just imagining the wrath of your foster family.” He shrugs. “On second thought, maybe you should stay.”
“Now you’re just being an ass.”
“I already called you a car.”
I pull out my phone, wincing at the time. “This is what I get for trying to be nice.”
“After you were so cruel?” He sits beside me, too gingerly for my liking, and bumps my arm with his elbow. “Hot and cold, little wolf.”
My cheeks heat up.
“Fine,” I say, shaking my head. I can take his dismissal, especially masked as concern. “Is the car here?”
I stand and tuck my phone into my pocket.
“Hey, Margo?”
I turn back to him, quirking my lips.
“Might want to button your shirt.”
My whole body catches on fire. Caleb’s laughter chases me up the stairs. I close my shirt and tuck it back into my skirt. Nothing even happened, I try to convince myself. I just discovered Caleb’s uncle is probably a sadist, and I’m way more head-over-heels for Caleb than I thought.
You win, heart.
Eli brings reinforcements after school. His parents are still in Chicago, but he begged to come back. I can’t fathom why—besides maybe a certain junior girl who has his dick in a vise.
Liam and Theo are the first in, turning on every damn light in the basement. I grimace and throw my shoe at them, not caring who it hits. Lucky me, I nail Liam in the chest.