The girls are with us, Margo’s hand firmly holding mine, but I drop it to lunge toward my friend. I grab his arm and take a split second to marvel at the rage he must be feeling, because he throws me off without a thought.

He goes toward the Lion’s Head girl.

Eli jumps in front of him, holding up his hands. “Yo, man, normally I wouldn’t get between you and your business, but literally the entire school is here, and you’re going to just start a—”

Theo growls, shoving Eli to the side. Great.

I haul Eli up, and we chase after Theo. I look ahead and see the reason he’s pissed.

One of the Lion’s Head football players has his hand on her hip. They’re standing too close.

Liam runs past us. His helmet is gone, abandoned behind him, but even he isn’t quick enough to stop Theo’s charge.

Theo’s fist slams into the Lion’s Head football player’s jaw, knocking him to the ground. He’s on top of him in an instant, his elbows snapping back. He delivers blow after blow to the poor sucker’s face.

“Fucking hell, Theo!” I yell.

People are noticing.

Eli and Liam haul Theo away, but it’s too late. The Lion’s Head football team swarms us. It’s only a second before the rest of the Emery-Rose football team, who had been celebrating, leap into the fray. I catch an elbow to my stomach. Eli swings wildly, getting people away from us.

And in the midst of all of this, Theo’s still struggling to get free from Eli and Liam. I push myself in front of him and slap him.

Theo’s eyes finally focus on me.

“Calm the fuck down,” I growl.

Eli drops Theo’s arm. “Riley and Margo.”

We’re in the center of a shitstorm. On the edges, I spot Coach Marzden yanking students off from each other. It’s become an all-out brawl. Not just angry or hyped-up football players, but the fans—students from both schools—as well.

“With me,” I order. I drive my shoulder to get through the crowd.

The four of us duck flying fists and elbows, bodies being hauled across the grass.

She’s not where I left her.


I spin around, searching. Someone hits me from behind, knocking me flat on my stomach. They’re gone in an instant, and Theo helps me up.

“There,” he yells. He points toward the bleachers.

Students are running away, and it takes me a second to realize why: the police have arrived.

Someone knocks into Margo, and she falls in slow motion.

I’m sprint toward her, bumping people out of the way. Screams follow us. The fighters realize the police are here, and suddenly everyone is running past us. I tune it all out, focusing on getting to Margo.

She stands, and I arrive at her side a second later.

Eli grabs Riley, tugging her behind him. “See you at Ian’s!” he calls.

I almost drag Margo after them, but there’s a higher chance we’ll get caught. Margo can’t get caught—they’d take her away for sure. Haul her in for questioning at the very least.

“You okay?” I ask her.

Theo is right behind me, blocking us from getting hit.