I turn toward the Lion’s Head boy who was just talking to Caleb. He towers above me. “Matt Bonner,” he reminds me. “We met at a game a few months ago.”
I nod. “Right…”
Claire clears her throat, raising her eyebrows.
“Oh, right. Um, Matt, have you met Claire? She’s a junior at Lion’s Head.”
Matt grins at her, extending his hand. “Pleasure.”
She blushes.
Matt takes a second to release her hand, and my attention bounces between the two of them for a hot second. Then Claire pulls away, scowling, and grabs Hanna.
“Nice to meet you.” Her voice is gruff. “Margo, I’ll see you later.”
“Maybe at the afterparty?” Matt asks. “Fletcher’s hosting.”
“Lion’s Head students are going?” I ask.
Matt watches Claire for a second, then turns back to me. “Yeah, well. Depends on who wins and who’s a poor sport. But I’m Caleb’s friend, so I plan on going.”
“I have to take Hanna home after,” Claire says, stepping down. “So…”
I get it. Responsibility is bound to rear its ugly head for her at some point. Hanna pouts, but her older sister ignores it. They both give me a wave and head back to the Lion’s Head side.
Matt pauses beside me. “She’s a junior, huh?”
“A transfer,” I mumble. “You’re friends with Caleb, right?”
“You betcha.”
“How’s that work during lacrosse season?”
He coughs. Maybe he’s surprised by my question, because he takes a long moment to answer. “We know to leave our friendship on the sidelines during a game.”
I glance back at Caleb and am not surprised to find his gaze on me. “But… what if the game doesn’t stop at the end of the night?”
The teams run onto the field, and the crowds have grown thicker. Matt’s purple and black colors stick out like a sore thumb in a mass of gold. I try to find Liam and Theo, but they’re indistinguishable from their teammates with their helmets on.
Matt chuckles. “Is that what you’re worried about? You think whatever game he’s playing hasn’t ended yet?”
I purse my lips.
No, that isn’t what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid his game is only just beginning.
An announcer’s speaker clicks on, and they begin a welcome speech.
“Shit, that’s my cue. See ya around, Margo.”
I go back to Caleb, falling to the bench next to him. He frowns, handing me a soda and popcorn.
“Where did this come from?” I ask.
“You and Bonner have a nice conversation?”
I roll my eyes. “I just wondered if he saw Claire in school. And then I asked how you two managed to be friends with the whole rivalry thing.”