He shook his head. “She lost her marbles,” he muttered.
I wasn’t supposed to hear. Or understand.
Mom went crazy?
We got to the park. Once we were free of the car, he took a deep breath. “Things are going to change now, Margo.”
I shook my head. “Why?”
“Because you told me a secret, and I didn’t keep it.”
I had to keep the secret. Caleb begged me not to tell, but I did. I told my dad, because he was trustworthy.
“Is Caleb going to be mad?”
He glanced down at me, but then we were at our bench, and he looked away. Finally, he said, “He might be.”
I sniffled. I ran my finger across the bracelet. I had told Dad we were married, but all he did was chuckle and kiss the top of my head. What was I supposed to do when Caleb was mad at me?
Dad glanced over his shoulder, then back to me. “Listen to me, Margo.”
I met his gaze.
“Don’t believe what they say about you and me. Okay? You’re a Wolfe. You’re strong. Your—” He broke off and squeezed my hand. “Your grandmother would be proud of you.”
I shook my head. I’d never met my grandma, although Dad talked about her a lot. She lived far away.
He showed me a small bag of breadcrumbs. “How about you go feed the ducks?”
I grabbed the bag and hopped up. The ducks swarmed to the edge of the pond, crowding me without getting too close. They weren’t that brave.
There was a commotion, and I spun around. A police officer was taking Dad away!
I dropped the breadcrumbs and rushed back. “Daddy!” I screamed.
A woman caught me by the shoulders. “Shh, Margo,” she said. “It’s okay. Can we sit? We need to talk.”
Things are about to change.
Instant. One minute we’re gasoline, the next we’re aflame.
And I haven’t stopped burning.
Liam and Theo pick me up. Well, Theo picks me up. Liam’s car is still out of commission—or he caved and gave it to his brother, he refused to tell us which one—and I’m not allowed to drive. Doctor’s orders.
Yep. The Blacks called their concierge doctor to check out my head.
The doctor ruled it a concussion and warned me about dangerous symptoms. For the next month, I’m not allowed to drive. I’m tempted to rebel, but Mrs. Black begged me to follow the rules. For once. She even said that.
Please, Caleb, just follow the rules for once.
So here I am, letting my best friends chauffeur me around.
They’re both wearing their football jerseys, and Liam passes me a to-go cup of coffee after I climb in.