I raise my eyebrow. “Unless you’d like Theo to remove you from my sight?”
Our practice is going to start any minute, so I don’t know why she’s even here.
I’ve been eager to blow off some steam. Having to wait for Margo to come to me has been excruciating.
She’s mine. I know it. My friends know it. The whole school fucking knows it, no matter what she or Amelie say. The only one who isn’t convinced is Margo Wolfe.
And what a little wolf she’s becoming.
I catch Theo’s eye. He’s been talking to Coach about strategies. At my head jerk, he breaks away and heads in our direction.
Amelie shoots to her feet. “Okay, okay. I’ll see you later.”
She hurries away just as Theo arrives. “What the fuck is she doing here?”
I shrug.
Liam coughs. “She knows she can’t have you, Theo, so she’s trying to get in Caleb’s pants instead.”
Theo laughs, and I turn and shove Liam. Asshole.
“All right,” Coach calls, blowing his whistle. “Get over here, you lazy gits.”
We jog over. There are most of the guys from last year, with a few exceptions. The big gaps come from last year’s seniors, which Coach will try to fill during freshmen tryouts at the end of the week. That way, we’ll have the whole winter to prepare for the season ahead of us. Coach will start spewing out things about team comradery and all that. Over spring break, we go away to a training camp—and then the real work begins.
As captain, it’s my job to keep the team together.
But my mind keeps straying back to Margo.
“Asher!” Coach snaps.
I jerk. “Yes, sir?”
“Take them for a two-mile run. When you get back, we’re doing drills.”
Easing us into it. I nod and lift my chin. “You heard him. Let’s go.”
Ten guys fall into step behind me.
The air is cold enough to make the run brutal. My lungs are on fire by the time we get back to the field. But no one complains. The freshmen will, but not us.
“Not bad,” Coach says. “Take five minutes, then line up.”
By the time practice is over, all of us are sweating messes. Coach holds me and Theo back while the rest go to the locker room.
“I’m making you two co-captains,” Coach says without preamble.
I scowl. “Why?”
“Because your head is up your ass,” Coach answers. “I got a call from your uncle yesterday. He thinks you need a little incentive to pay more attention.”
I grimace.
Theo shakes his head. “I don’t want it.”
“You take it or I’m picking Ian—and he won’t be co-captain, he’ll be captain. Period.”
Theo looks at me, then slowly nods. Yeah, it’s a blow to my ego, but I can suck it up. Theo and I work well together without exchanging too many words.