It’s only when I find a bathroom, ducking into it, that the tears break loose. I didn’t do anything to deserve this. Hell, all I’ve done today is walk into a firestorm—one that my apparent departure seven years ago created.


I sniff, wiping my nose on my arm. “In here.”

Riley pushes open the stall, staring down at me. “That was…”

“A lot?”

“A drop in the bucket.”

I wince. “Really?”

“The golden boys of Emery-Rose are nothing but nasty to their minions.” She leans against the wall. “Sorry to break it to you. I’ve been the target of Eli’s fury for years.”

“Well, they can’t get away with it.”

“They can and they will.” Riley sighs. “Their families are the richest of the rich. My parents are well-off, and I’m…” She shakes her head. “I’m the lowlife around here.”

“You’re not.” I lift myself up, brushing off invisible dust from my skirt.

She hands me a wad of toilet paper, and I take a second to clean up my face. My eyes are bloodshot, eyelids a little puffy, but otherwise, I look normal. The bell rings, echoing in the bathroom. “Maybe we should skip.”

“The rest of the day?” Riley glances around. “It’s your first day—”

Ugh. “Okay, fine. Guess I’ll just take the detention for being late.”

We head back into the hallway; it’s a ghost town.

She cracks a smile. “If you want, we can meet tomorrow before school. Everyone hangs out in the courtyard, and they don’t let us inside till the first bell.”

I return her smile, grateful that she didn’t cut and run. “Safety in numbers?”

“Something like that.” She glances at my schedule and steers me in the right direction. She drops me off, then jogs away.

For a second, I envy the way she can shake off everything. It sticks to my skin like glue: the negativity, Caleb’s fury. I hand the teacher my schedule, and she clears her throat, motioning for me to take my seat without a word. I’m grateful that no one I know is in this class… until Liam walks in.

The teacher doesn’t even stop talking, or spare him a glance.

He stops right next to me, staring down, and says, “Nice little show, Sheep.”

I keep my gaze on the desk.

If I was wondering about nicknames, I guess we’ve found mine. A sheep in a wolf’s clothing. Ha, ha.

Eleven months till freedom—but only nine until I graduate. I’ve made it through worse. I can survive this.


On Saturday, Riley arrives at the Jenkins house early. Early enough to interrupt brunch, which is apparently a tradition. She charms Lenora and Robert, sitting and helping herself to a pancake.

“I was hoping to take Margo to the mall,” she says, smiling at both of them. “Is that okay?”

“Oh, that would be excellent.” Lenora pats my hand.

She’s fond of that.

“I’ll get you some cash. You can pick out some new clothes if you want.”