My lips part. “They’d keep us there until seven? A full, what, eight hours?”
She laughs. “Yeah. It’s ridiculous. Hence why we’re not going…”
She turns away from me and strips, quickly sliding her dress on. “Zip me up?”
I venture closer. She has a tattoo on her shoulder blade. It’s the outline of a bird.
I tap it, not bothering to ask, because she immediately sighs.
“Long story.”
“Okay.” I zip her dress and hook the little catch at the top.
She smooths the fabric and spins around.
I love it just as much as when she tried it in the store.
“Your turn.”
What I didn’t think of—that I definitely should’ve—is that this dress is backless. Backless means no bra. My breasts are pretty small, so that isn’t a concern. What is a concern is the fact that Riley brought little sticky circles for my nipples.
It’s embarrassing, but I guess I’d prefer them to showing everyone how cold I am…
I shake my head. “I’m gonna need to figure this out in private.”
She laughs and tosses me the pack. “Have fun.”
I take my dress and the stickies into the bathroom, staring at myself for a minute. I haven’t done my lipstick yet. If I knew what my mask looked like, it could help me decide. Still, I think Lenora might be onto something. The anticipation of finding out is almost unbearable.
Once everything is situated, I slide my dress up over my hips. It has a higher neckline, like a wide crew neck, and the straps over my shoulders are wide. The whole thing dips low in the back, cutting just inches above my tailbone.
It’s dangerous, but I secretly love it. And the beading. I run my fingers over the intricate swirls along my waist. They curl up toward my breasts and down lower, onto the skirt. The dress is seriously perfect.
I cross the hall back into my room, revealing a few different lipsticks. “Since you apparently know what my mask looks like… what color?”
“You’re beautiful.” She plucks the matte red one and holds it up. “This one.”
I raise my eyebrow. “Really.” I was expecting a light pink or a nude.
“Do it.”
“Girls,” Lenora calls. “Caleb and Eli are here!”
That was fast.
Time is picking up speed, hurtling us toward… Social anxiety.
“We got this,” Riley says, grabbing my hands. “Put that lipstick on, and let’s dazzle them.”
I smile. I swore Riley to secrecy about my dress, just in case Caleb decided to interrogate her while I wasn’t around. I’m not too worried about matching him. Something tells me he’ll have that handled.
After my lipstick is in place, Riley and I strap on our heels. She picks up her mask. And… off we go.
“I’m suddenly nervous,” I admit.
She nods. “Want me to go first?”