Being a virgin less than an hour ago means I’m less than educated on the whole after-sex etiquette. Do I leave? Shake his hand and say thanks? Do we snuggle? No, that would be weird. Especially with Theo, the one-and-done extraordinaire.

Hell, we’re not even in his room. We’re in a random one in the basement.

Classy, I know.

Also fitting, considering who I let take my virginity.

But it’s weird. Grappling with the connection I could’ve sworn I felt when he was inside of me with the realization of who I felt said connection with.

It’s Theo.

Not Teddy.

Theodore Taylor.

He’s done this a hundred times. With who knows how many women.

Does he always feel the connection we shared or am I alone in the feelings department and he got exactly what he wanted out of it? A solid orgasm and another claim to someone’s v-card?

Maybe it’s why he stopped and forced me to look at him right before I came. Because he wanted me to remember who I let claim said v-card, and it sure as hell wasn’t any of his teammates.

It’s because of the bet, I remind myself.

Hell, I’d almost forgotten.

Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I watch Theo’s toned ass flex as he bends forward a bit and drops the used condom into the trash can by the door.


I pull my bra back into place, making sure my boobs are covered. I find my underwear lying on the edge of the mattress and slip them on too. Because, ya know, I’ve already been vulnerable enough in front of the guy to last a lifetime, so…

Numb. The euphoria has officially turned into numbness. I think I preferred the euphoria. I also feel overwhelmed. So freaking overwhelmed it’s not even funny, and it isn’t exactly a picnic, either. My mind feels like it’s going a million miles per minute, and I can’t get it to slow down.

I just had sex with Theo.

Now what?

I clear my throat. Who’s room are we even in? And where are the rest of my clothes? I think my shirt’s still in Burrows’ room. And my jeans? Where are my jeans? A lump on the floor catches my eye, and I sit up, touching the scratchy carpet with my bare feet.

Theo turns to me and smiles, but it looks forced as I slip on my pants. Like he’s unsure. Like he’s as lost as I am.

Rubbing my hands up and down my bare arms, I offer, “Well that was…something.”

He chuckles and buckles up his jeans. “I was just thinking the same thing.”


This is so awkward.

“I should probably get going,” I announce.

I pause before going anywhere. Burrows drove me to the party, and I don’t exactly want to see him. Not tonight. Not after how everything happened. So, how am I going to get home?

“Everything okay?” Theo asks.

“Uh, yeah.” I fold my arms over my bra, and he hands me his shirt since, apparently, mine is still missing.

As I slip it over my head, he suggests, “I can kick everyone out. We can watch a movie––”