“Kate,” I breathe out. My glass makes a soft clinking sound as I set it on the counter. I rush toward her and pull her into a big, sweaty hug. It’s all I can do. All I can give. Because I don’t have advice for this situation. I’m the furthest thing from an expert. But I can be here for her. I can show her she’s cared about. I can prove she isn’t alone. And I’m sure as hell not going anywhere.
She laughs, only waiting a quick second before wrapping her limp arms around me. “I’m fine, Blake.”
“Liar,” I mutter against her as Mia and Ash join in, creating a Kate sandwich.
“We’re sorry,” Mia mumbles against the crown of her head. “Seriously.”
Kate sniffs again and wiggles out of our hug, wiping beneath her eyes. “It’s fine. Really. It is. It just makes relationships…tough.”
“But you like him, right?” I ask.
She puffs out her cheeks, letting the air out on a sigh. “I think so, yeah.”
“And he likes you?” I prod.
She nods.
“Then, give him a chance. You might be surprised by how he reacts.”
Digging her straight white teeth into her bottom lip, she scratches at her temple, giving in with a shrug. “We’ll see.”
Ash, Mia, and I exchange worried glances but don’t say a word because no one knows what to say.
“So.” Ash nudges my shoulder. “Are you excited about your first day?”
Gratitude shines in Kate’s eyes at the subject change, while mine dim with anxiety.
It’s an excellent question. If only the answer was cut-and-dry.
“Blake?” Ash prods.
“Yeah, I can’t wait,” I lie, heading back to the kitchen like a woman on a mission. I grab some fruit and kale from the fridge so I can whip up a quick smoothie and keep myself distracted from the current interrogation I feel building around me. Unfortunately, it does shit to prevent the anxiety welling in my stomach.
As I add a scoop of protein powder to the blender, Ash interjects, “Coach Sanderson wouldn’t have given you the position if he didn’t think you deserved it.”
These girls know me too well.
Turning toward them, I rest my hip on the counter and cross my arms. “I’m not worried about Sanderson. He’s usually a pretty level-headed dude.”
“Then, what are you worried about?” Mia asks.
My nose scrunches, and I let out a sigh and turn back toward the blender, ripping off a few pieces of kale and tossing them in with the strawberries and blueberries while the girls wait in silence.
“Oh, Blake,” Mia sings.
I add a splash of almond milk and a handful of ice. “Fine. I’m worried the guys won’t take me seriously ‘cause I’m a girl.”
“Of course, the guys will take you seriously,” Kate argues. “If they don’t, I’m pretty sure your brother will beat them up.”
“Him or Theo,” Mia adds with a smirk.
I ignore her and turn on the blender, letting the loud whir cut off any more asinine comments.
Unfortunately, after I turn it off, Mia keeps poking the bear like it’s her job. “Speaking of Theo, have you seen him lately?”
“Nope,” I answer. “And I don’t plan to if I can help it.”
“You mean, other than practice,” she counters.