
“When? How?”

“Before Spring Break. He had a right to know.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I know he did. But knowing it and actually being brave enough to say something are two very different things,” I point out, smoothing out the cloth napkin on my lap while avoiding his gaze. “So…how’d he take it?”

I don’t know why I ask. I shouldn’t. It’s not like I care, but I also don’t want to cause the rift between friends, either.

“Fine,” Colt offers.

“Just fine?”

“You thought he’d take it differently?”

I shake my head. “No? But kind of yes too?”

He laughs, and the sound eases the weight on my chest.

“Care to expand?” he asks.

“I mean…we were together for years, Colt. And then he broke my heart, and I wound up dating his best friend? It’s gotta be relatively weird for him, doesn’t it?”

“Do you want him to be jealous, Ash?” he asks, setting his fork down and reaching for his napkin.

I shake my head again. “No?”

“That a question?”

“No,” I say more decisively. “It’s a weird situation I’ve been trying to wrap my head around for weeks. That’s all. I guess I assumed it would take him some time to wrap his head around it too? But I don’t feel jealous,” I tell him. “I feel guilty. For potentially coming between you guys. You two are best friends.”

He tosses the burgundy red napkin onto the table and settles back in his seat. “We aren’t as close anymore.”

“I know. And it kills me.”

His brows furrow. “What do you mean?”

“Is it my fault? Am I the catalyst? The reason you two aren’t close anymore?”

With a sigh, he mutters, “Ash––”

“You know what I mean, Colt,” I argue.

He reaches forward and grabs my hand, brushing his thumb against my palm on the white table cloth as the candlelight flickers off his dark, flinty eyes. “My friendship with Logan was already on rocky ground before you and I were ever a thing. And the way I feel about you?” He shakes his head, torn. “It’s the real thing, Sunshine. I’m not going to let anything get in the way of pursuing it. Including one of my friends.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, Ash.” He smiles. “Never been more sure of anything in my life.”

“And Logan?” I push, still anxious. Still unsure. “How am I supposed to act around him now?”

“Be yourself. He said it was okay. And if he has an issue, he can talk to me about it.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yeah,” he repeats, squeezing my hand softly. “I won’t let him come between us if you don’t.”

The air in my lungs releases in a quiet, slow breath, making me feel lighter than I have in weeks. “Deal.”