With a slow, jerky nod, he keeps staring at the building, unable to look away. “Yeah, Sunshine. It’s why I quit.”

My heart cracks, and I drag his hand into my lap, desperate to comfort him. To take away his pain. “I’m sorry.”

“I know.” He tears his gaze from the building and squeezes his eyes shut, wiping away the moisture from his tear ducts. Clearing his throat, he looks at me with red-rimmed eyes. “But I want to thank you.”

“For what?” I whisper.

“For convincing me to play again.”

“I didn’t––”

“You did. The night of the storm. You reminded me of what my dad used to always say… He didn’t raise quitters. So, I picked my ass up again and strapped on my skates the next day. And even though it killed me a little to be on the ice, it brought me back to life too. Without you, Ash, I don’t think I’d be where I am. I wouldn’t be kicking ass in school. I wouldn’t be on LAU’s hockey team. I wouldn’t be starting in the final game this season––”

“Colt!” I almost squeal. “You’re gonna play in a game?”

He nods, a slight tinge of pink sneaking through his olive skin. “On one condition.”

“What condition?”

He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses the back of it. “You come to every home game.”

My eyes crinkle in the corners, and my cheeks pinch with happiness as I fight the urge to jump into his lap and kiss the crap out of him. But I can’t help it. My enthusiasm. Not only for me but also for Colt. Because he’s been through the wringer. And seeing him pick up the pieces and fight for what he wants? It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever witnessed. And it makes me feel like the luckiest girl on the planet.

“You know I wouldn’t miss them for the world,” I reply.

“Good. You can sit next to my mom and Blakely. But I’ll warn you. They aren’t against facepaint.”

I throw my head back and laugh, surprised by how good it sounds. “I’ll keep it in mind.”

“Good.” He squeezes my hand again. “Now, come on.”



After another quick kiss to the back of my hand––as if Colt can’t help himself––he lets me go and climbs out of his truck. I watch him round the front, open the passenger door, and offer me his hand. Once my feet are on the ground, he grabs a duffle bag full of his hockey gear from the back of his truck, and we walk inside.

The place is pretty big. The walls are all gray cinder blocks, but jerseys are hanging from the ceiling from different state teams, along with scoreboards on both sides of the room. It’s big. Somewhat bland. And definitely daunting.

As Colt rents some ice skates for me from the rental booth, my nerves finally get the best of me, and I blurt out, “I feel like you should know I’ve never skated.”

He stops, his jaw almost unhinged. “Are you shitting me?”

Cringing, I wipe my sweaty palms against my jeans, eyeing the ice rink like it’s Mount Everest. “Nope.”

“You dated Logan for years, and he never took you skating?”

“Nope,” I repeat, popping the ‘p’ at the end while fighting off my embarrassment. Because seriously, how pathetic, right? We dated for years, and he never took me ice skating. It was something he clearly enjoyed doing, and he never shared it with me. I still can’t believe how oblivious I was. How backward my perception of a healthy relationship was. It blows my mind and makes me a little sad, too. But at least I get to experience the real deal with Colt. I can’t believe how different it is this time around.

“No shit?” Colt asks.

“Stop asking!” With a laugh, I press my cool hands against my hot cheeks. “You’re gonna make me self-conscious.”

His chuckle is low but warm as he guides me to a bench along the outside of the rink and starts lacing up my rental skates for me.

“I’m surprised,” he admits.

“And why is it surprising?” His calloused fingers are mesmerizing as he loops the shoelaces around the hooks, keeping the boot tight and secure around my foot. There's something so sexy about a guy who knows what he’s doing. And clearly, Colt’s in his element.