“Tell Theo I’ll meet him at SeaBird,” I whisper.
“Ash.” His grip tightens around my bicep, tainting his touch with frustration. “Tell me we’re good, or I break up with Mia.”
I look up at him, my eyes glazed with fear. “You know you can’t do that right now.”
“Has she seen Shorty since your place the other day?” he challenges.
“Not that I know of, but we both know Mia likes to play all the drama close to her chest.”
He curses under his breath and scrubs his hand over his face. Defeated. Angry. Resigned. “I can’t be her scapegoat forever, Ash. I already talked to Coach, and he said he’d take care of it.”
“Did he, though?” I ask.
He shrugs, unsure. “She should call the police. Get a restraining order or something.”
“I told her the same thing, but she said she was taking care of it.”
“Is she?” he pushes.
I slip out of his grasp. “I dunno, but I don’t think right now is the time to rock the boat, either.”
“So, where does it leave us?”
With a quick peek over my shoulder toward the staircase, I rise onto my tiptoes and brush my lips against Colt’s. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“What about the tutoring session?”
I sniff and squeeze my backpack strap a little tighter. “I don’t really feel like studying right now.”
And I leave.
The place is packed. Everyone is shoulder to shoulder, and I’m pretty sure we’re breaking a few fire codes in here. Mia’s uncle is part of the band, and since he let us in the back door, he apparently doesn’t give a shit about fire codes.
“Hey, Mia,” he greets her, pulling her into a hug.
She smiles and squeezes him back.
With a wave of her hand, she says, “Everyone, this is Fender, my uncle. Fen, this is Ash, my best friend and roommate. And Theo, a friend from LAU. And Colt.” She pauses, and Theo barrels toward Fender, offering his hand.
When Fender takes it, Theo explains, “Colt is Mia’s boyfriend. Nice to meet you, man. Love your music.”
Fender chuckles and slaps his hand against Theo’s back as he looks me up and down with more curiosity. “Boyfriend, huh?”
Hooking her arm around my bicep, Mia leans her head against my shoulder and smiles. “Uh, yup.”
“And why hasn’t your aunt heard of him?” Fender asks.
“Because Aunt Hadley’s a Nosey Nelly.”
He chuckles again and nods. “Good point. She’ll be pissed she missed you. I thought you weren’t coming until tomorrow’s show?”
“Theo suggested we swing by tonight, too, and since you’re kind of family and all…”
“Kind of?” Fender quirks his brow and steals another hug from her as Ashton, one of SeaBird’s managers, catches us near the back door.