He’s basically LAU’s golden boy.
Who also happens to live in a whorehouse.
With a deep breath, I grab Mia’s arm, and we head inside.
“Seriously. We should leave,” Mia mutters, but she follows along anyway.
“He’s been asking me to come for like a month,” I tell her over my shoulder. “It’s the least I can do since he’s been skipping so many of these to come hang out at our house.” The bass from the speakers nearly drowns out my voice as we step over the threshold. “Besides, it’ll be fine.”
“No, it won’t be fine because he might ask you to come to these things, but it’s not like he’s actually expecting you to show up.”
“He says he misses me.”
“If he missed you, he’d come hang out at our place instead of the Taylor Whorehouse during a rager.”
“One. He always comes to our place to hang out.”
“Not lately,” she mutters.
“And two,” I continue, ignoring her. “He’s part of the team.”
“Which means he has to be an accomplice for all their shenanigans?” she challenges, propping her hand on her hip.
“It means there’s nothing wrong with Logan wanting to hang out with his friends on the weekend instead of hiding away at our place all of the time. You know that.”
“I know you’re gonna end up sleeping over tonight, and I’ll have to get an Uber home,” she argues. “I know that.”
I toss her my keys. “You can take my car. I’m sure Logan won’t mind giving me a ride home in the morning. If I stay,” I clarify, turning sideways as a pair of blondes nearly runs me over in the entryway.
“If.” Mia snorts. “Yeah, sure. If you stay. Not gonna lie, Ash. I have no idea how you convinced me to come to this thing when we could be binging literally any TV show on Netflix with Kate.”
My nostrils flare as she describes exactly what I wish we were doing tonight with our other roommate, Kate. I pull Mia to a darkened corner and drop my voice low. “Look. You’re an amazing friend, and I love the crap out of you. But can we please not do a lecture tonight? Especially when we both know you’re exactly one to talk.”
She frowns, her gaze shifting to the crowded family room, searching for her ex, who she’s been avoiding like the plague ever since she ended things with him.
She met Shorty––aka Bradley Ackerman––through Logan. And it was fun double-dating while it lasted. But to say their breakup was messy would be a massive understatement. The fact she even bothered to come with me tonight proves how amazing of a friend she really is. I squeeze her hand, grateful for her presence, and help search the premises for Shorty so we can keep a wide berth between us. After all, it’s the least I can do.
All of the furniture has been pushed to the edges of the room, leaving an open space for people to dance. Or dry hump. Poe-tae-toe, poe-tah-toe.
Thankfully, Shorty isn’t in sight.
I hate Theo’s parties. Logan does, too, but since it’s where his friends like to hang out, it’s not like he’s always able to avoid them.
“Man, I’m a good friend who loves you,” she mutters under her breath.
“And I’ll never forget it,” I promise. “Come on. Let’s find Logan.”
Fingers entwined, I lead us through the throng of people as a familiar voice yells, “Logan! Your girlfriend’s here to see you!”
Shorty’s sitting on the couch with his arm wrapped around a gorgeous girl from my chemistry class. When he sees Mia beside me, he forces a smile, gets to his feet, and lifts his finger to Mia. “I’m gonna go find Logan. Then you and I are gonna have a chat.”
She shakes her head. “I don’t want to have a chat.”
“Mia,” he starts, but I cut Shorty off.
“Hey, Shorty.” I tilt my head up, my neck craning as I look him in the eye and step between them. “I promised Mia she could have a night off from the drama. It’s been months, and it’s clear you’ve moved on”––I motion to the floozy on the couch––“so, if you could please allow Mia to do the same, that’d be great.”
He glares at me, his usual laid-back façade slipping to reveal the asshole who broke my best friend’s heart as he moves past me and heads upstairs.