“Likewise. Glad to have you back. You’re not taking my spot on the team, though, right?”
I laugh and shake my head. “We both know I don’t play anymore.”
Tilting her head to one side, Gwyn studies me more closely. “Wait. Are you Colt…Colt Thorne?”
“The one and only,” Logan answers for me. “We’ll have to catch up later, all right? But I gotta steal Gwyn for a bit. She and I have a”––he smirks––“prior engagement.”
“You think I’m still gonna suck your dick when you bailed on me last time?” She scoffs and flips her dark, thick hair over her shoulder. “Not gonna happen, Logan. You, however…” She drags her fingers down my chest and steps closer. “You have potential.”
“Nah, he’s not interested in puck bunnies,” Logan answers for me.
She licks her lips. “Seemed interested before you interrupted.”
“Nah, he isn’t,” Logan argues and looks at me again. “Ain’t that right, brother?”
Biting back my laugh, I scratch my jaw and scan Gwyn up and down. “Are you a puck bunny, Gwyn?”
“I like hockey, and I like hockey players.”
“And there’s nothing wrong with that,” Logan interrupts, putting his hand on Gwyn’s back as he sidles up next to her.
“Nothing at all,” I agree. “But I think I’m gonna leave you to your hockey player. It was nice to meet you, Gwyn. I’ll see you around.”
The bodies gyrating in the main room are a bitch to get through, but when I finally reach the stairs, I find Gwyn in the crowd, grinding on Logan as he grabs her hip and pulls her closer.
Apparently, they didn’t waste much time.
And yeah. She's a definite puck bunny. I’ll be sure to thank Logan for the heads-up the next time I see him. There’s nothing wrong with a girl who likes the game almost as much as she likes screwing all the teammates. But I’m not about that life anymore. And the more distance I put between myself and hockey, the better.
Theo’s right.
Same old Logan.
The Bean Scene is one of my favorite areas on campus. Well, here and SeaBird. But the bar isn’t exactly on campus, so I’m not sure it counts. Regardless, the coffee shop serves great coffee, doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, and is right next to the gym, making it the perfect pitstop after having my ass kicked by Theo.
He collapses into the metal chair across from me and kicks his legs out. “You’re getting better.”
“Glad I can be your guinea pig for training.”
“Not gonna lie. It’s nice being able to kick your ass again. We’ll have you bulked up and ready to play on the team again in no time.”
I snort and take a sip of my coffee. “Yeah, ‘cause that’s what I want.”
“Hey, the ladies like it.”
“You think I need hockey to get laid?” I challenge.
Chuckling, he takes a sip of his iced mocha with whipped cream. I swear, the guy’s sweet tooth is about as insatiable as his dick.
“No, but it doesn’t hurt. Those puck bunnies, man.” He hums low in his throat and covers his smirk with his hand as one of them wiggles her fingers at him from behind the counter.
“I’ve noticed,” I grunt, ignoring her. “It’s been what, a month since I moved in?”
He tears his attention from the puck bunny slash barista and nods at me.