I take in a deep breath through my nose and blow it out through my mouth. “Sorry. I’ll be nice. But I hate how Shorty hurts you like this.”

“I know.” She bites her lip and looks down at the black and pink comforter, picking at a few non-existent pieces of lint. “I guess you can blame the daddy issues, right? You know, for my shitty taste in men.”

“Mia,” I breathe out.

But I don’t know what to say. Anytime Mia mentions her dad, things get…awkward. Not only for her but also for me. I mean, what am I supposed to say? Her dad was murdered a few years ago. It was before we met during our freshman year at LAU, but it’s easy to see time hasn’t exactly made up for her loss. The girl’s broken when it comes to men. Her perspective is…skewed, I guess. Like she feels unlovable. Like she isn’t enough. Like she knows whoever she ends up with will always choose someone or something over her. Like her dad did with drugs and wound up in a ditch somewhere after he took money from a shady loan shark and couldn’t pay it back.

I still remember when it hit the news.

It was so messed up.

I never expected to become friends with the guy’s daughter.

“Sorry,” she mutters, resting her back against the headboard and looking at the ceiling.

“Don’t be.” I grab her hand and squeeze softly as I fully join her on the bed. Matching her stance, I rest my back against the headboard and stretch my legs out in front of us. “You’re allowed to bring him up, Mia.”

“Not without receiving looks of pity,” she mumbles under her breath, shaking her head. “Anywho, I’m gonna hit the gym. Want to come?”

“Sure. But first, I wanted to talk to you about tonight.”

Her brows pinch, and her head rolls toward me. “What about it?”

“I invited Logan over…”

“So, you want me to make myself scarce?” she assumes.

With a grimace, I nod. “I already talked to Kate. She’s gonna stay at her parents’ house. But I’m sorry––”

“Don’t be. Maybe I can convince Mystery Man to let me take him out for a drink tonight. You know, for standing up to Shorty yesterday.”

My gaze narrows. “And he’s a good guy?”

“Yes. He’s a good guy. My radar isn’t that broken, thank you very much.”

“Debatable,” I mutter. She laughs and shoves my shoulder. “Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence, Ash. Now get outta here. I’m going to text Mystery Man and change into some workout clothes so we can hit up the gym.”

“All right. And, Mia?”



“For what?” she asks.

“For supporting me and Logan even when I know you aren’t his biggest fan.”

Her lips purse, then she mutters, “You’re welcome.”

“As for Shorty––”

With her hand in the air, she says, “I don’t want another lecture, Ash.”

“I’m not going to give you one. I’m just saying…maybe if he sees you with someone else, he’ll finally take the hint and leave you alone. And if you say Mystery Man seems like a good guy, I’m rooting for you.”

She chews on the pad of her thumb, considering my comment. Her mouth stretches into a smile. A real one reaching her eyes. And I soak it in. Because the sight’s rare. Ever since she met Shorty, things have been…hard. Like he’d been sucking all the light out of her, leaving nothing but a shell of my best friend behind. And the girl in front of me with the smile? I could use some more of her. And I know Mia could too.

“Thanks,” she replies a few seconds later. “I think I might be rooting for us too. Now get out of here.” She grabs her pillow and tosses it at me. “I gotta work up the nerve to send him a text.”