“What time is it?”
“A little after eight.”
Tossing his forearm over his eyes, he lets out a long yawn and rolls onto his back.
“How’d you sleep?” I ask, sitting up and stretching my arms over my head.
“Good.” He grabs my neck and pulls me down, stealing a kiss and trailing kisses down my neck as his hand slips under his T-shirt and cups my bare breast. His eyes are half-closed, proving how much he had to drink last night and how tired he still is, even with the morning light filtering through the window.
With a soft moan, I flip my hair over one shoulder and straddle him as his phone dings with a text. He pauses his exploration and reaches for his iPhone on the nightstand. As he reads the message, his mouth quirks up with a smile. His attention darts to me, and he sets his phone face down on his bare chest, puts his hands on my hips, and gently pushes me off him.
“Hey, babe,” he says, kissing me softly again, but his lips pull into a frown. “Give me one sec.”
“Oh.” I tug at the hem of his T-shirt I’d thrown on in the middle of the night and smile tightly, surprised he’s putting our morning sexy time on hold. “Okay.”
Distracted, he unlocks his phone, scans the message, glances back at me, and clears his throat. “It’s work. Why don’t you go down to the kitchen and make us some coffee? I’ll be down in a few.”
“Okay.” I start to climb out of bed, but he grabs my hand and pulls me toward him, planting a slow kiss on my lips.
I smile against his mouth, and he murmurs, “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
The hardwood floor is cold against my bare feet as he lets me go. I climb out of his bed, head to the door, and pause near the hallway, turning to Logan again. “Cream and sugar like always?”
His gaze stays glued to his phone as he answers, “Just black today. Gotta stay cut for the team.”
Okay, then.
I open his bedroom door and close it behind me with a quiet click. It’s still relatively early, at least for college students, so I don’t bother to find my clothes. I step down the stairs and head to the kitchen.
It’s funny how different the Taylor House feels during the day versus at night. It’s nice. Almost homey. With exposed brick walls, dark hardwood floors, sleek chrome accents, and decorated in different shades of gray. The stairs hug the left-hand side near the front door, while the right is a giant entertainment room complete with a big-screen television, gaming console, and a worn leather couch looking like it’s seen better days. On the far wall opposite the front door and tucked behind the stairs is the kitchen.
It’s quiet. Nothing but the soft creak of the stairs as I head to the main floor. The scent of coffee guides me until I screech to a halt.
Colt’s facing the window above the sink. The muscles along his back are etched into his perfect torso and flex as he brings a cup to his lips.
“You again,” I blurt out and snap my mouth shut.
Realizing he isn’t alone, he turns around and faces me.
“You again,” he returns. The same soft gray sweats hang low on his hips as he smirks over the rim of his white coffee mug. Watching me. Peeling away whatever shred of clothing and decency I’ve shrouded myself in until I’m left bare with a simple look. My pulse quickens, and my palms grow sweaty, but I fist them at my sides.
With a huff, I ask, “Do you always walk around half-naked?”
His gaze slides from my head down to my bare legs, landing on my baby blue toenails. “Says the girl dressed in nothing but a T-shirt.” He meets my face again. “I like it. Suits you.”
“Thanks.” I tug at the hem, grateful Logan’s a tall dude, or else my ass would be hanging out while ignoring the blush I have no doubt is spreading across my face.
Get a grip, Ash.
“I’m Ashlyn, by the way,” I announce. “I don’t think we’ve formally met.”
“Colt Thorne.” He lifts his chin. “Nice to meet you, Ashlyn.”
“You too.” Rocking back on my heels, I fold my arms across my chest, debating whether or not running back to Logan’s room is a smart idea. I paste another tight smile onto my face as I step further into the kitchen. “So…mind if I steal some coffee?”